☼ nine ☼

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"I know you haven't made your mind up yet, but I would never do you wrong, I've known it from the moment that we met, no doubt in my mind where you belong"

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Trigger warning: mentions of domestic abuse

Trigger warning: mentions of domestic abuse

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I invited Amelie and Milo over to discuss tour arrangements this morning. In reality, I just wanted to make sure she was okay. And try to understand why she believed Milo would be better at home, with his nasty excuse of a father.

When Georgie had told me Amelie had made the decision not to bring Milo, my heart shattered. For the both of them. I know Amelie wouldn't consciously choose to leave her son behind. Milo is her everything. She'd do anything to protect him.

And poor Milo, who was just a baby, would face the brunt of the trauma. There's no guarantee that he's safe in his fathers hands.

The was no doubt in my head that the decision made, was Leo's decision.

Amelie would never want her child to be alone with the same man who put Milo in a hospital bed, more importantly an intensive care unit. Leo's suicide attempt, done more damage to Milo, than it did to him. Milo's outcome could've been fatal.

And that's what frustrates me the most. How he put his son into so much danger, freezing his whole body, and yet he doesn't see an issue with it.

I can tell it bothers Amelie a lot, but she won't let it show. She might say she's forgiven Leo, but I can tell she's murdered her husband, many times in her head.

I don't blame her.

I didn't understand why she was so secretive, why she flinched every time someone touched her, why she was still with Leo after he submerged her son.

Until I saw the bruised handprint around her wrist.

That was a turning point.

It was only then, that things started to make more sense. Why she was single parenting. Why she forgave Leo after he done the unimaginable. Why she physically recoils every time someone gets close to her.

It finally clicked last night. He's hurting her.

He's beaten her down to the point she fears telling people.

She tried to tell me in the hospital, that she was the one who had left Milo in a cold bath. But I wasn't that easy to fool. She would never lay a harmful finger on Milo.

You'd have to be entirely insane, to harm your child, in such a way that they require intensive medical intervention.

Leo wasn't a nice man.

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