☼ thirty one ☼

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"We don't talk enough, we should open up, before it's all too much"


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"I'm going to do it." Was what I woke Harry up with today.

"What?" He says, peering his eyes open, his face still smooshed against the pillow.

"Today's the day, I'm going to do it" I tell him again. I had been up since five thinking about it and I had decided that it was best if I just got it over with.

"A, what are you talking about? What time is it?" He huffs, refusing to move from his spot.

"I'm going to contact my family." I had plucked up the courage to finally do it, yet saying the words aloud suddenly made it more real.

"What?" He says, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, trying to decipher if this is real life or a dream. "What are- when- what?" He stutters out.

"I've been thinking about it all morning, I'm going to do it H, I'm going to try and phone my parents."

The plan is flawless in my head, everything makes perfect sense. I'll phone them, they'll be so happy to hear from me, they'll travel to London to visit me this afternoon and we can catch up before Harry and I set off for Canada tomorrow.

"Woah- woah- go back a minute. I'm so confused" he says, pushing his body up against the headboard. He squints his eyes, the harsh sun blinding him, and I'm sure waking him up like that wasn't the greatest idea.

"I'm going to phone my parents" I tell him, slightly slower this time.

"Okay" he nods, looking down at the bed, thinking of what to say next. "Are you sure?"

"Yes!" I exclaim getting off of the bed, if I don't do it now, I never will. "I'm completely sure. They can come down to see us this afternoon, they can get to meet Milo, you can cook them dinner- they could even stay the night if they-"

"Amelie- Amelie, slow down my love" he tells me, shutting his eyes and shaking his head.

He thinks it's a bad idea.

"Do you not want me to contact them?" I ask quietly, slightly hurt by his reaction.

"What? No- Amelie, of course I want you to contact them, I want nothing more than to see you happy with your family- but, I do think you need to think about this for a little longer, this is our last day in England for a long time, we've got a lot to sort out, we need to pack- of course I want you to get in contact with them, but I just don't know if today is the best time to do it" he explains to me.

My heart sinks, along with all the hope I had of finally having the support of my family.

"But you said yourself that we're not going to be in England for a long time, that just drags it out even longer" I try to justify, but my attempts are falling pretty short.

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