☼ seven ☼

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"I heard you had a lot of therapy when you were seventeen, for your anger issues, if I had a pound for every hole I saw punched in a wall, I'd be a rich girl"

Trigger warning: suicide threats, death threats, domestic violence.

Domestic abuse helpline: 08082000247 (UK)
1-800-799-7233 (US)

Domestic abuse helpline: 08082000247 (UK)1-800-799-7233 (US)

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Milo was cleared to go home this morning. After two days in hospital, his body had seemed to bounce back to usual. He was back to my happy and healthy baby.

And I intended it to stay that way for the foreseeable future.

Harry had helped me get myself together yesterday, after the incident. He had given me his personal phone number, and made sure I promised I would call or text him if ever I need help. Even if it's just help with the housework, or if I need a break from Milo.

He got let out three hours ago. We've been sitting outside the hospital since. My car is still parked haphazardly in the car park, with a mighty parking find on it. I can see it from the bench I've settled on. But I don't make any move towards it.

Leo doesn't know we've been let out. I text him last night to tell him that we'd be out by today. But I didn't specify a time.

He's probably waiting for us at home.

He got released last night, after a bit of a telling off from social services. I haven't seen him since the day he was out cold in the shower. I was avoiding him.

But I couldn't avoid him for much longer.

Social services had declared him as currently, fit for parental rights, with the promise that he'd attend an addiction therapy course, and a social worker assigned was Milo's case, just to be certain that his welfare wasn't being compromised.

They were going to visit us in two days. I had two days to sort our lives out. Though, I'm sure they wouldn't find anything negative on their visit. I'm sure we seemed like the perfect couple to the outside world.

I need to get home before Leo starts to get angry.

We don't want a repeat of what just happened.

I've created peace on this bench, Milo seems to be content, and we're both safe here. There's no need for us to move, other than the impending doom that is Leo.

"I guess we should get home to daddy, hey?" I coo at the baby in my arms. He's always so settled. So calm but so alert. He loves just watching the world go past.

"He's not going to hurt you again, I promise you, mumma's got you" I assure him. Though he's just a little baby in my arms, I mean every word I ever say to him.

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