☼ thirteen ☼

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"I didn't plan it, but the light turned red and I ran it"


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Tonight was my homecoming. We were playing two nights in Manchester, just half an hour away from my childhood home. I was beyond excited to be performing to all of my family and friends. As well as over seventy five thousand people. That number didn't quite seem real.

Wembley was just three days away, and that was the real make or break. I had played at Wembley, many times, but doing it solo had a whole other meaning to it.

"There he is" I heard the most familiar voice say. I tore my head away from the window I had been daydreaming out of, and turned to face my mum who was entering the room with the biggest smile and tears already gathering in her eyes.

"Mum, don't start crying already" I laugh pulling her into my arms. The overwhelming smell of home nearly bringing tears to my own eyes. I couldn't wait to finally sleep at home tonight.

"She started crying as soon as we got in the car" Gemma, my older sister tells me. I notice a whole group of my family waiting to enter to the room, after not being able to see me for a few months. I hadn't been back in Manchester for so long.

"I've missed you so much" my sister whispers in my ear, as I hold her in my arms. I truly miss our lives being so simple, yet I'd never change this for the world.

"You look beautiful, both of you, I'm so excited you're here" I tell them. My mum and my sister have been there for me, throughout everything, I owe them my life.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world, you're always our number one" mum says, cupping my cheek with her hand. I'm just grateful no one else is around to see this. My mum has missed out on a lot of my life, so she often treats me like a child, because in her head, I'm still that sixteen year old boy who left home to chase a dream.

"Are you nervous?" My mum questions. The familiarity of her question makes me chuckle, Amelie was asking exactly the same thing in Glasgow. The only difference now, is that I don't have to pretend I'm fine. I would never willingly lie to Amelie, but I couldn't openly admit to her that I was nervous to perform, especially when she was shaking like a leaf.

"I'm better now you're here" I say honestly. Though, having family and friends in the crowd adds slight pressure, there's nothing I love more than looking out into the audience and seeing my family supporting me. I'm so lucky to have that support system that others are unable to have.

"And where's little Ollie? And did you say another baby would be coming?" Nothing gets past mum.

I make sure to quieten my voice when I talk about Milo, just incase Amelie is lingering, I would hate to upset her. "Ollie was playing with Madeline, last time I saw him." I begin. "Amelie, my bassist, has a little boy, Milo, he's only five months old, but she's in a bit of a rough situation, so he's at home with his dad, but if you see her please don't say anything" I say quietly. It wasn't my place to go into details.

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