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"It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind"


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Amelie. Amelie. Amelie.

My brain has been a constant mess of Amelie since yesterday.

She's fascinating to just watch. Not that I had much time to. Every time I looked over at her, she looked the picture of peace. She just looked so naturally calm.

But I could tell behind her brave façade, she wasn't as peaceful and as calm as she made out.

It was all an act.

I've met enough people in my life, to know when someone is faking something.

And that woman, right there, was very clearly faking every ounce of her happiness. Although, I wasn't going to be the one to make it obvious to anyone else. It wasn't any of my business.

It's funny how much she fits into Matilda. It's none of my business, but it's on my mind. Not out of curiosity or nosiness. But out of concern.

I'm worried about her. I just can't shake the thought.

She left in a hurry. Something to do with a 'baby emergency' whatever that means. She didn't even take her bass with her. Georgie said, she'd look after it, until she sees Amelie again. But knowing her two very hyperactive children, I knew it would be safer in my possession.

And now, the lime green bass, sits in my bedroom. I've taken it out the case, just so I could stare at it. As if it was going to answer all my questions.

I couldn't help myself but to Google her and her husband, as soon as she left the building. Something just wasn't sitting right.

I didn't want to invade her privacy, and I was well aware that Google is not the place to go for answers. I wanted to hear her story. Not some fabricated media story of her.

But I done it anyway. I couldn't even let myself rest, my brain was simply; Amelie, Amelie, Amelie.

Celebrity Buzz claimed that she had had a traumatic birth and was still suffering with the consequences.

It made sense, she seemed traumatised by something. I've heard the horrors of Postpartum Depression, and how easy it is to hide it from people. She seemed overly anxious about her son. Most parents have anxiety revolving around their child. But, as soon as she got her phone call about her 'baby emergency', it was like everything in her world had just been flipped upside down, and smashed into a million pieces.

The look on her face, was enough to keep me awake at night. She was at loss.

I don't know the extent of the 'baby emergency', it could've been incredibly serious, in which her reaction would seem understandable. And by the way she rushed off, it did seem as if something was very wrong.

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