☼ forty one ☼

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"But who learns how to toughen up when she's bruised, and gets used by a man who can't love and then she'll get stuck"


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"Amelie love, how are you feeling?" Was the first thing I heard when I peeled my eyes open, the bed beneath me feeling more than uncomfortable and my whole body aches like I had been in some horrific accident.

"What-" I choke out, the bright pot lights burning my eyes.

What is wrong with me?

"You're okay A" Maggie's calming voice reassures me. "You had him." And that's when I open my eyes fully, taking in my surroundings of a hospital room.

I had him. But where is he?

I try to sit myself up, but my arms are like wet noodles, collapsing underneath me.

"Where is he?" I breathe, and suddenly the pain from my body is gone. Suddenly I'm not worried about my well-being anymore. It's about Rex and only Rex.

"Hey- relax, he's fine, a beautiful little boy- the nurses have got him, I'll see if I can find someone to bring him down to you" she says moving closer towards me. "But first- how are you feeling?" She asks, her eyes narrowing down at me, knowing that I'll lie.

"Uh-" I look down at my body that's hidden under the covers, my body that doesn't feel strong enough to even hold me up. My body that I'm for sure is stained with blood. I can already see my hands are tainted. "I'm okay?" I try, but it comes out as more of a question.

"And how are you really feeling?" She asks again.

"Confused" I settle on. "Wait-" a horrific realisation comes over me. "Where's Leo?" And then I'm on high alert, I don't know where he is, and I don't know where my child is.

My child.

I finally have a child to call my own, I have someone to share my corner or the world with.

Though it doesn't feel as amazing as I thought it would. But perhaps when he's in my arms, the world will feel right.

"He's gone out- Cassius phoned from Leo's phone, said his friend was having a party and he couldn't miss it" she scowls, hating every inch of that man, if it were up to her, he'd be long gone.

"I'll get someone to bring Rex in, okay?" She gives me a little supportive smile before leaving my private room.

And once again I'm left alone with nothing but my crippling thoughts of how brutally Leo is going to kill us, how mad he's going to get when we eventually arrive home, how I'll always have to live knowing that he left me in that bathroom to bleed, he left our newborn son to die.

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