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"I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need"


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It's been a whole week since we found out Amelie is pregnant with twins; and the news still hasn't quite sunken in. Every day I wake up at least an hour before Amelie, I roll her top up just enough to I'm able to stare at her little bump she's formed.

It's how I've started every morning since we found out we would soon be having twins

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It's how I've started every morning since we found out we would soon be having twins. And it's my favourite part of the day. I'm able to just sit quietly, staring at the little bump, dreaming of what those two little children will one day become.

I've convinced myself we were having two girls, but Amelie thinks we're having a boy and a girl, she swears she knows her body, but I refuse to believe it.

In that hour I'm alone with just my thoughts and my unborn children, I've started talking to them. For the first few days, I just sat and stared at the bump, in shock that there were two of my children inside. But now I've started talking to our little loves. Or our petits amours as I've started calling them. I mostly tell them about their beautiful mama who is keeping them safe until they're ready to meet us, but I also talk to them about their big brother who will be thrilled to learn that he's got two baby siblings coming his way as soon as he gains an understanding of what a sibling actually is.

He knows his mama has a baby. All he does is point to Amelie's stomach repeating baba and mama over and over again. And we're supportive of it, showing him pictures and telling him that there's babies inside mummy's tummy.

We hadn't told anyone our news, apart from Maggie, no one even knew we were pregnant, let alone pregnant with twins.

But today was Christmas Day. And we planned on telling our closest family and friends the news. We were both beyond ecstatic to finally let everyone know.

Despite us not yet being in the 'safe' zone, Amelie's bump would be growing more and more every day, especially with two little ladies in there, it would only be a matter of weeks until somebody noticed.

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