☼ twenty four ☼

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"I can picture it after all these days"

Trigger warning: death? IN A DREAM DONT SHOUT AT ME

Trigger warning: death? IN A DREAM DONT SHOUT AT ME

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I clutch onto Milo's tiny frail and cold body, his skin mottled and his lips turning blue. The blanket I wrapped him in doesn't appear to be keeping any of his heat in.

He's ice cold.

His little hand hangs out of the blanket, completely limp. His eyes are wired shut. My mind is so frantic, that I can't tell if he's breathing or not, I just know I need help.

"Are you okay my love?" A middle aged nurse stops me. She's holding onto my bicep, my skin burning under her unwanted touch.

I'm not able to speak, I'm not able to make noise. All I can do is look down at my son in my arms. He's completely frozen.

"Sweetheart?" She questions, trying to gain eye contact. "Is this your little one?" She asks.

I physically can't get my mouth to move. The words just won't form.

That's how I know this is some sick and twisted joke. My mouth is glued shut, I couldn't speak even if I tried.

The nurse looks down at the baby in my arms, their features looking just like Milo's, only is isn't him.

That isn't my Milo.

"I'm going to take your little lady, okay? Get her seen by a doctor."

Little lady?

My eyes cast down to the child in my arms, a pink blanket keeping them warm. The nurse attempts to take my daughter out of my arms, but I'm holding onto her so tightly that she's unable to break the child from my grip.

Instead, she leads me into a room, my feet unconsciously following hers and I notice for the first time, just how silent everything is. There isn't screaming children, or worried chatter. It's silent.

And it's scary.

She closes the door once we enter a room, there's four people already in the room, standing by the bed, ready for action.

I don't know these people.

I go to open my mouth, to tell them just how cold she is, but all that comes out is a strangled sob which goes unnoticed by their ears.

"Miss, I know you're scared, but your daughter need medical attention, I need you to hand her over so we can save her life." Everything sounds like an echo, like I'm underwater and drowning in my own grief.

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