☼ eighteen ☼

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"Had some emotional baggage but I cut it off, starting with you and every single thing you said to me"

☼ ☼ ☼

Trigger warning: mentions of sexual assault to minors. (Not in detail)

 (Not in detail)

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"A divorce is easy, it might take a while, but with a bit of money, we could speed up the process" Georgie speaks, her eyes darting around the screen of her laptop, frantically researching for my benefit.

"And a restraining order?" I ask hopefully. Leo has a temporary restraining order placed on Milo and I, though I'm sure it'll only be a matter of weeks before that gets lifted.

She thinks for a moment, her fingers tapping something into the laptop, before she hums. "Yeah, considering everything, you'll be able to get one, again, it costs, and you'll need to find a lawyer for it all, I can see if I can contact some people, but it'll go through court, so you'll have to attend a hearing" she explains. Just the sheer mention of this is already causing me a headache.

"When I got a divorce from Joey, it took nearly a year to fully go though, but for your case, it might be different, they might do it quicker if it's a domestic violence case, but I don't know, I'll find you a lawyer, alright? We'll get it sorted" she tells me, her eyes finally rip away from the screen and look into my own, a lot of pity across her face.

"It's just- it's a lot" I decide on. It's a lot to think about. Of course, I was going to go through with it, but all the information Georgie had piled onto me in the past hour felt incredibly overwhelming.

It was going to be an long and gruelling process, but if it meant I didn't have to see Leo ever again, and I was no longer legally attached to him, then I would do anything.

I was desperate to change Milo's name, to finally take the Gibson out of his name and place West there instead. Again, it would be a process, but it isn't impossible.

One day, once all of the legal parts have gone though and been accepted, Leo will be out of our lives for good. And life will never be better.

"It's stressful, I won't lie to you, but it's worth it" she nods, shutting her laptop screen.

Of course, the outcome would be so worth it. The day Leo is removed from my life, will be a very beautiful day. It was on the horizon, it just needed some determination to get there.

"There she is!" I hear Harry coo, to no one else but Milo, who sits on his hip. "There's your mumma." It doesn't take Milo two seconds to reach out for me and lightly whine, desperate to be in my hold after his nap.

Harry's face slightly falls, as if he's just remembered something very important. He keeps hold of Milo, and he turns to stone. His expression alone, could induce me into a panic attack.

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