☼ nineteen ☼

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"She's an angel, my only angel"

Trigger warning: emetophobia

Trigger warning: emetophobia

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"Harry." I'm almost certain I'm dreaming when I peel my eyes open to see Amelie sleepily climbing off my chest. The warmth where her head once resided, dissipating.

"I'm going to be sick" she rushes out, throwing her hand over her mouth. And that's enough to completely wake me up.

I gently pull Milo off of her chest, careful not to wake him up, the second he's detached from her, she's running off into the bathroom no doubt.

"Mumma's poorly" I coo to Milo, who whines from the movement, though his eyes stay shut and his body is relaxed. He's slightly growing out of his sleep suits now he's hit six months old, he's looking like such a chunk nowadays. I gently place him down in his cot, that he rarely even sleeps in. I hover over him for a moment, just to be sure his chest is rising and falling as it should be.

I can hear Amelie throwing her guts up in the tiny toilet, so my next move is to rush towards her. Sick wasn't my strong point, I remember I nearly threw up myself when a tiny baby Saffie threw up next to me. Though, I knew I had to be the strong one right now, Mitch and Sarah were both long asleep, and I couldn't just stand and watch her. I couldn't leave her.

"I've got you" I hum, trying my absolute hardest not to breathe through my nose. My hands slightly fumble with her hair, messily holding it up as her body heaves over the toilet.

"Get it all out my love" I tell her, softly rubbing her back.

"This is so gross" she whines, flushing the toilet and wiping her mouth.

I shake my head, instantly signalling it was fine. "A, it's not gross, you're ill" I correct her. Though it wasn't my favourite, I understood that it wasn't her fault.

"Where's Milo?" She asks, her words are quiet, as she shivers under the bright lights.

"He's still sleeping" I reply. The backs of my hands, testing different places of her silky skin, trying to determine if she has a temperature or not, my suspicions are confirmed when I notice that she's burning up.

"A, you're sweating, let's get you out of this thick hoodie, do you want a shower to cool off?"

She's instantly shaking her head, wrapping her arms around herself, as if to stop me from pulling the material over her head.

"Amelie, I'm not going to take it off you, I just think you'll feel better if you're a little cooler. How about you keep it on, but you sit in front of the fan?" I suggest, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. And I especially don't want her to think I'm forcing her to undress.

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