☼ forty three ☼

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"How wonderful life is, now you're in the world"

Trigger warning: premature birth/birth complications/blood/medical intervention

Just a reminder that I am not a doctor, nor do I work in the medical field, not all of this information may be accurate!

These next three chapters cover a topic that is so near and dear to my heart. It's incredibly heavy so please take your time and be gentle with one another.

Please handle this topic with care, it's something that means a lot of me <3

I'm being very vulnerable here, I write from experience so please be kind<3

Please be gentle with me <3

Please be gentle with me <3

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I was woken this morning by a scream coming from the bathroom. But not a scream, like a high pitched scream. It was more of a low groan, followed by a quiet "fucking hell".

I can't even process what's going on before I'm up and out of bed, practically sprinting down the hallway. Amelie wasn't in bed with me and that was enough to make me panic.

"Amelie?" I knock on the bathroom door, hearing her loud heaves as she struggles to take a full breath.

This is new. She hasn't suffered with morning sickness for months now.

"Harry- oh god" She sobs on the other side of the door. I'm making my way in instantly. Thank god she didn't lock the door. It swings open with ease but nothing, nothing would prepare me for the sight that floods my vision.

The first thing I notice is the blood.

The blood that coats the white tiles.

Amelie is bent over on the floor, in just her sports bra and a pair of maternity shorts.

But there's blood all over her thighs. Over her hands, over the floor.

"Harry- please" she gasps for a breath, her bloodied hand gripping onto the edge of the toilet seat with all her might. I can see the pain seer through her like a lightning bolt.

"What- what happened?" I whisper my mouth parted open. I swear I'm still dreaming. Nothing quite registers in my brain.

All I know is that Amelie is bleeding. A lot. I can smell it. I can see it.

She looks up at me with the most heartbreaking look in her eyes. She's sobbing. Not just crying. She's sobbing.

"They're gone- they're gone- Harry please help me- I'm dying- I know it" she heaves out, and her body trembles as she does.

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