☼ fifty eight ☼

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"Outside they're push and shoving, you're in the kitchen humming, and all that you've ever wanted from me was sweet nothing"



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It had been just seven months since I proposed to Amelie. Seven perfect months of living in a happy little bubble with my gorgeous family.

We had found out back in July, that our rainbow baby was a little girl, which of course brought a lot of emotions.

We were finally getting our baby girl and once the remnants of the grief washed away, we were both completely over the moon.

We were a little hesitant to tell the boys about their new baby sister, purely because, we knew that we weren't out of the woods. We knew that so much can still go wrong, so we held off until Amelie hit thirty weeks.

Of course, Milo knew they would be getting a sibling, but we hadn't told them if it was a boy or a girl. And when we did finally tell Milo, I'm certain he started tearing up, out of pure joy.

He was so excited to be getting another baby, especially a sister. The house was becoming slightly boy heavy.

We did have to explain to Milo that this baby sister wasn't Amora. He was very confused about it, his three year old brain didn't allow it to make sense, so we had to break it down and explain once again that Amora was in the stars and she's not coming back.

Then that stirred a new curiosity in him and he was convinced that the new baby would go to the stars too. Because he didn't know any better. It had happened last time, it could happen again. That was harder to explain to him. We couldn't promise that his new baby sister wouldn't go to the stars, because we didn't know.

But we hoped and prayed every single day of Amelie's pregnancy and by some miracle, we had made it to thirty seven weeks.

Everything had gone just how we wanted it to.

Until that dreaded day came.

Maggie had come to visit us with Xanthe. She was handing us heaps of Xanthe's old baby clothes, her and Amelie were gushing over how adorable our little baby would look in all of the clothes.

And then within the space of around ten minutes, Amelie's waters had broken and the pain had her on the floor. Everything started moving incredibly fast, faster than I ever thought it would go.

I had heard stories of how long labour can take, some women have to go through hours and hours before they even have to go to the hospital.

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