☼ fifteen ☼

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"Running, I'm running back to your place, with gas and a match, it'll go up in flames"

Trigger warning: physical violence, mentions of personality disorders

Trigger warning: physical violence, mentions of personality disorders

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We arrived in London at around two in the morning, making home in the car park at Wembley stadium. We were playing Wembley tomorrow. That sentence alone felt like a dream. If someone told me four months ago, that I'd be playing Wembley, for Harry Styles, I would've told them to shut up. There was no way, the woman I was four months ago, would've ever found the courage to do something as exhilarating as this.

Maggie had picked me up at around eight, so the police could talk to me. I had spoken to police, many times before, but sitting in an interrogation room, being questioned about my relationship with Leo and his behaviour, sparked a whole new level of anxiety.

I didn't hold back this time. I didn't lie or play down his actions. I told them everything. From how he kept me locked in a room whilst I was in labour, how he nearly drowned Milo, how he pushed me down the stairs, smashed my car windows, punched my brother. I was there for over five hours, retelling the gruelling realities Leo had put Milo and I through.

There was a lot of tears, and a lot of shouting, mainly on my half. Though, Maggie somehow managed to coax me through it, with the reminder of my little boy who was waiting for me.

They decided right there, that Leo's parental rights would be temporarily taken away until they were able to assess his mental stability. They explained that, they're not able to permanently suspend his rights until he is reassessed, though, it's highly unlikely he'll ever get granted parental rights again.

But Leo had a lot of money, and he knew a lot of people, it wouldn't surprise me if he fought for custody over Milo. But I was told, he won't be allowed anywhere near Milo and I for at least two months, until he's able to prove his sobriety and mental stability, he won't be allowed near us.

The only fault in their plan, was that Leo was still on the loose. No one had heard from him in over twenty four hours. I had left endless voicemails and messages, but all of them were left unread and ignored.

He was hiding. And he knew he was in the wrong.

He wouldn't be hiding if he wasn't ashamed of his actions.

He wouldn't have ran if he believed what he was doing was right.

He may have a life controlling mentally instability, but he clearly knows right from wrong. And running from the law will only dig him a bigger hole for his downfall.

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