☼ eight ☼

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"Young people fall in love with the wrong people sometimes"

Trigger warning: physical violence! (Not towards Amelie, Milo or Harry)


Most of you are not going to like the outcome of this chapter, but I promise you, they will get their happy ending! Just give me a week or so and everyone will be happy.


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Milo had woken up in the worst mood. The doctors had warned me, he could be very emotional over the next few days, whilst his body recovers from all the mental and physical hardships it was put through.

Leo had returned home early this morning, drunk. Again. I heard the front door open at about three, it didn't wake Milo up, but it was enough to startle me.

We haven't spoken about what happened yesterday. There wasn't any need to. There wasn't anything he could say to make it better. I wouldn't take an apology from him. So, we just ignored it. Pretended it didn't happen. It's easier that way.

I had to be at the studio by nine, Georgie needed to go over the contract and all of the rules and regulations whilst touring, we needed to sort insurance, vaccinations, passports, money, health checks, all of the little details that I honestly hadn't even thought about.

The plan was for Milo to come with me on the tour, and Georgie had confirmed that it was all okay for him to come, as long as he passed his health check. Although, after yesterday's violence, I'm not sure if Leo will allow me to take Milo out of the country. He has to give his consent. And I'm not sure he will approve of it, just to get back at me.

"I'm bringing Milo with me today" I tell Leo. He was sitting on the sofa drinking a cup of coffee, he was dressed and ready for the day. Which was slightly shocking considering he only got in a few hours ago.

He subtly nods at me. I could practically see the wheels in his head turning as he thinks of his next move. "Can I come with you?" He asks.

His question leaves me stumped. He never usually wants to be around me. He never cares for anything I do.

"Uh- I guess, it's going to be a long day, and I'm going to be very busy" I try to talk him out of it. I don't think Harry will be the happiest man on the planet with Leo around.

"I know, that's why I want to come, I can look after Milo whilst you're busy. And it gives me a chance to meet the people my son is going to be with for the next two months." I raise my eyebrows at his words. I had convinced myself that he wasn't going to allow Milo on the tour. I knew he'd ruin it for me somehow. That's just what he does.

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