Chapter 34

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The room fell in silence for a minute or so following Leticia's departure. I hadn't planned for it to go like this. One whole week away from her, without seeing those fiery eyes was torture to me. I didn't know how to face her but I also didn't want to start something I couldn't finish. Instead of telling Yva to get my things from her place, I had to replace everything and retrieve all my data from iCloud. 

Then during a hotel dinner my date had drunk too much and kissed me at the moment someone was taking a picture of me. Of coarse fake news spreads like wild fire and that's what happened. So I had come today to try to talk with her about everything and see if something can happen between us. 

But I guess my mouth totally had different plans especially when I arrived at the time Arturo was asking he if we had broken up. 

A stinging blow suddenly landed on my jaw throwing me off balance, "What the hell?" I glared at the source and acted swiftly as Arturo was getting ready to throw another punch. I blocked it and punched him hard in the stomach making him keel over. 

"Stop it." Estella shouted rushing to Arturo's defense. 

"What the hell was that for?" My blood boiled glaring at Arturo. 

"For going along with her lie and hurting her in the process." Arturo glared at me. You should have been the mature one and put an end to it from the beginning. 

"You think I didn't try?" I sneered at him

"Obviously you didn't try hard enough." He stood up to his full height. "Do you think we would be here arguing about this nonsense?" 

"Well, if your girlfriend was busy focusing on her relationship, Leticia wouldn't have bothered to lie." 

"Oh so you're now defending her?" Arturo sneered at me, then suddenly paused. "What is that?" I frowned confused. 

"What is what?" I glared at him. 

"Do you actually love her? Had you come to explain the picture?" he laughed louder making me uncomfortable. 

"I don't care what you want to say but I prefer to discuss business and not relationships." I changed the topic.

"Yeah, deny it all you can. You can only do so for so long." He muttered and touched Estella's cheek, "You okay?" She looked back at him and nodded with a smile. 

"I should go find her, right?" She whispered. 

"It's alright, let her cool off. She needs it." He smiled at her. "Why are you here though, perfect timing, no?" he laughed. 

"Apparently I had a lunch date with Letty, I guess it's cancelled." She pouted. 

"How about you wait for me, huh? We can go together after my meeting." 

I watched the exchange between them. Estella was so agreeable, I don't think Leticia would be as agreeable though, if it was her we would probably have started to figh....Crap. What was I thinking again? I shook my head and glared at Arturo, "I'll be in the conference hall." Without waiting for an answer I walked away. 

I got a scorching look from Leticia's secretary when I happened to glance at her desk. I ignored her and continued on. We will have to hold the meeting without Leticia. This is why I never partnered with women, so emotional and destructive. Now because of an argument she had left everything to go and sulk away who knows where? 

I entered the conference hall and stopped short at the door way at the sight before me. There she was sitting in her chair bent over noting something down in a notebook. Her shoulders tensed, she had sensed a presence but continued without any acknowledgement. I didn't announce my presence either but stood silently in the corner as my eyes studied her softly. 

I hadn't seen her in a week. I wish she can look up at me, I yearned to see that stubbornness in her eyes. The way her eyes narrowed when she was ready to fight back and how she bit the inside of her plump lips to probably stop herself from saying more words during a fight. My smile faded as I realized what I was doing. I can't let my self wade in. I closed my eyes and breathed in ready to ignore her and just go sit down. 

"What a way of exiting a drama scene." I found myself saying and cursed myself. She continued in her former position without a word. My feet led me towards her, wanting to tuck back that escapee strand behind her ear but the doors suddenly opened and people poured in. 

Five minutes later the meeting started. We were to discuss about the Phase II project. My eyes didn't leave her face for a moment throughout the twenty-five minutes. And in all those minutes, the bullheaded woman refused to glance my way even for a second. 

The moment meeting was adjourned she stayed in her seat as people poured out the way they came. "Miss Powers, the meeting's over." Her secretary stood by her side. 

"A minute Minerva," 

"Do you want to have lunch together today?" 

"I guess I'll pass today. I lost my appetite this morning." She sighed and sat back then stood up and smiled at her, "Shall we?" It then struck me as a sharp pain unconsciously swept through me. I have never seen her smile genuinely at me. Why? My mind scoffed and I shook the thought away. 

"We shall." The older lady put her hand through hers and they walked out the conference hall. I stayed in my seat unnoticed. Why was I feeling guilty? I didn't do anything wrong. 

"You know I can forget you here, right?" Mateo popped hi head back in with a grin. 

"What's so funny?" I scowled at him as I stood up to follow him. He had driven me here since he was in my office this morning. 

"The fact that I can guess who you're day dreaming about this early morning." 

"Oh shut up," I scoffed.

"The whole room could notice how you didn't take your eyes off Miss Powers throughout the whole meeting." I groaned. "We actually made bets and I won." He proudly showed off Euro bills. 

"What the hell?" I muttered, "What was the bet about?" I dared to ask.

"That you'll approach Leticia and confess by the end of the meeting. I almost thought I lost when you stayed behind, but knowing your bullheadedness, there was no way you were going to admit your feelings for her that easily." He laughed out loud.  

"What stupid feelings are you talking about?" I glared.

"See, exactly." He shrugged and sped off towards the elevator. With a sigh and a last glance behind, I stepped on with him as we went down. 

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