Chapter 41

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I stretched both hands as I woke up from a very peaceful slumber then froze and gave a scream burrowing under my covers only to give an even louder scream to find a half naked male build next to me. 

"Good morning." Yva's cheery voice sounded from with out my covers. I peeped at her, confused. The half naked body I could explain, but what was she doing there standing over my bed like a creep? 

"What are you doing here?" I asked disturbed.

"Clothes for Mr. Morinho." She smiled putting forward her hands to show what she was holding.

"Fine, but how did you get in? Forget that, why are you standing over my bed?" 

"Can you give us a minute, Yva?" I felt a hand encircling my body and pulling me towards him. So he was awake.

"Sure, I'll be downstairs." She grinned and walked away. I heard her heels echoing on my stairs. 

"How did your PA enter my house?" I enquired.

"Shhh," he said leaving a trail of kisses on my bare shoulder, "Buenos dias mi amor."  His husky voice sending shivers down my spine. 

"Morning." I sighed giving up then turned to look at him. He looked more refreshed than yesterday night. 

"I called her to come over. I have to go straight to the office from here." He said smiling. 

"Unfinished business?" I enquired, my fingers coming up to straighten out the crease between his eyebrows. 

"Something like that." He turned and dropped a fleeting kiss on my wrist. "I missed you these last four days." Gosh, he was so cheesy, I wasn't ready for this. 

"Right, let's get up." I made to get up but he pulled me back to bed. 

"Want to shower together?" I could see his teasing self was back.

"No, now let go." I succeeded pulling away and walked to the bathroom.

"Be quick or I'll join you." His voice followed me. 

That was the quickest shower I've ever taken. I came out all dressed up and ready for work. He laughed so hard when he saw me. 

"Well that was a record shower indeed." He came forward and grabbing my shoulders, laid a kiss on my temple. Gosh, this person was way too touchy. "Breakfast is ready downstairs." He said and walked to the bathroom. 

I went downstairs and there was no sign of Yva. Had I just imagined her? I shrugged and dug into my breakfast and few minutes later, Carlos came down all dressed up in his suit looking completely magnificent. 

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded. "Let's go." He held out his hand for mine and I laid mine in his then we walked to the parking lot. "I'll drive with you to the office for the weekly meeting." 

"Where's your car?" 

"Yva took it to work." 

"And hers?" I frowned.

"I told her to take a cab here." he shrugged.

"Oh." We had reached the parking lot, he opened my side and went to his. Inside the car he helped me buckle my seatbelt. "You don't have to do any of this for me." I protested. 

"I want to do it for you." He said looking at me, "It gives me pleasure to do this, just like it gives me pleasure to touch you or trail kisses all over you and.."

"Okay okay, I get the idea." I stopped him, "Can we go now?" 

"Of coarse my lady." He grinned at me. Lord have mercy. 

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