Chapter 24

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The weekend dragged on so slowly and by the time Monday showed face, I was so happy to get out of the house. Sheila couldn't stay with me because, well, you know my current situation, so she had booked into a hotel nearby. We had gone out together on Sunday leaving a grampy Carlos behind. Even when Sheila had to put on her best show to try to convince him to go out with us, he had stood his ground and said he had work to do. By the time I had returned back home, he was seated at the dining eating dinner and I had concluded that he had probably ordered food from outside. What a loser. 

Anyway, none of my business. Today I don't think it's going to be a busy day for me because fortunately II had finished all pending work on Friday. And when my alarm rang, I took my precious time to switch it off and instead snoozed it and turned on my side then curled my feet. Oh what bliss! I slept for five more minutes and when my alarm rang again, I turned slowly and stretched my hand to switch it off but instead touched something hairy, I turned quickly and, 

"Ahhh." I sprang up and stood on my couch glaring into the face of Carlos. "What the hell?" he was looking at me as I slept?

"You always wake up at this time?" he asked calmly.

"How is it your business?" I said defensively. 

"No wonder you're poor." he said and got up to glare at me. Now what had I done?

"I may be poor but I am a happy woman. I will not let you spoil my Monday morning Carlos Morinho." I said pointing a finger at him. 

"I'm just stating a fact." he growled at me. "You run a company and you wake up at 8am?" 

"Yeah, so?"

"What time do your employees arrive then?" 

"Please don't interrogate me this morning. If you want to fight I will come back later for that, but right now, I need to go shower and get ready for work." 

"This has got to change." he said almost to himself. 

This guy needed help. I thought to myself as I got down from the couch and folded my covers then turned to go. "Move." I said pushing him with the covers. 

"I'm not standing in your way." he said with amusement. Something was definitely wrong with him, one minute he was scolding me, the next he was teasing. 

"I'm not playing games with you Carlos, I have to go. Move." I pushed him this time strongly and he didn't move an inch, instead he pushed me back and I fell on the couch with my covers. 

I groaned angrily inside the covers covering my face. "This position suits you well." he said with a smirk when he uncovered my face. 

"Get away." I said turning my face away. He was bent over studying me? 

"I dreamt about you, like this." he said softly and I frowned, "You have beautiful eyes, they are genuine and so naive." What the hell. 

"Get away. I have to go to work." 

"Well I say you stay and work from home today." he demanded.

"Yes, was that part of your dream? Because that is where it's going to stay." I said trying to get up in vain so I laid back with a sigh. 

"If I decide that, you know you can't do otherwise." he said not taking his eyes off me. I had to get away, if not for anything, at least for my sanity. He was crazy and now he was driving me crazy too. 

"You can't do shit, let me go." 

"Today I am letting you go. As for tomorrow, I can't promise you that." he said matter-of-factly making me really mad. Who did he think he was wanting to run my life. 

This time I went crazy and pushed him really hard kicking and punching him along with the covers. "Who do you think you are? Get out of my way."

"Control yourself." he held both my hands and pinned my legs on the couch, "Or I won't be responsible for what I'll do next." he added that calmly leaving me wondering what he meant and truth is, knowing him, I didn't want to know. 

"Let me go then." I said calmly and he let go suddenly standing up to his full height. I got up angrily and passed him then turned once and threw my covers over his head. He cursed and reached out but I was already running up the stairs. By the time I reached the bathroom, I was laughing so hard at how stupid he looked with the covers over his head. I showered quickly and dressed up from the bathroom then put on a dash of lipstick and was good to go. 

I slowly opened the bathroom door and peeped, I couldn't believe it had come to this, in my own house. He wasn't in the bedroom. I sighed and got my shoes and my bag then slowly went downstairs. My covers weren't on the couch anymore, I frowned, well I'll think of that later. I quickly hurried passed the kitchen and let out a yelp as a hand grabbed my elbow and pulled me back. 

"Forgot something." he said turning me to look at him. 

"What?" I said not bothering to look at him. 

"Here, breakfast." My eyes and mouth widened at the same time, No way. 

"Is" I was at a loss for words. I thought he was going to do something stupid but in his hand, he held a green smoothie inside my normal bottle which I had decided I wouldn't take today.

"Yes, I asked Arturo." he said calmly and I looked at him suspiciously, Why was he suddenly being nice? So I voiced out my thoughts. "Just take it and go, don't be late." he said and stuffed it in my bag. 

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Bye." I turned to go and was pulled back suddenly. Again? He crushed his lips on me and the action took my breath away. 

"Bye." he said and moved away then climbed the stairs with both his hands inside his pocket. 

Unbelievable. I stared wide-eyed at him until he disappeared then I turned and ran out the door. 

I reached right on time at the office and hadn't caught my breath when Arturo burst through my door. 

"Goodness, you can't wait, can you?" I growled at him. I knew what he wanted to know, but he looked at me innocently. 

"What do you mean, I just came to ask what is chasing you?" he said defensively.

"Oh please, I know you want to know why Carlos is living in my house."

"Well, he's your boyfriend, I mean if you two decided to move in this soon, how is it a problem?"

"He didn't move in."

"I thought so too, because it would have been the other way around."

"I'm not moving in with anyone."

"I'm not saying you're moving anywhere darling, I'm just wondering, how the heck you could hit your boyfriend with a bottle on the head. Are you guys already fighting? Is he being violent Letty, you know you just have to say the word."

"Why would we be fighting, we are not know what, we aren't fighting, at all."

"I doubt that," Arturo said thoughtfully, "Because why would he ask me for what you usually eat for breakfast? He probably wanted to make up for something wrong he did."

"Jeeezz, Arturo you think too much. How does Estella keep up?" 

"So, I'm wrong, si?"

"Si, amigo." I glared at him. 

"Good. I'm glad he's taking care of you." he said and left just as he had come. 

I slumped down in my seat and glowered at the door. What was the meaning of all this? Why had he made my breakfast? Even gone to the length of calling Arturo and kissing me goodbye? 

'Ohhh Leticia your head is going to burst. Guard your heart quick. You shouldn't let anything happen to it.' I thought to myself. I wasn't going to let any man weaken my resolve, especially not one who already knew so much about me. 

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