Chapter 18

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I left the hospital without going back to that room and hailed a cab which took me home. I wasn't going to let some mad person stress me. My night had been going well until he decided to show up. I looked at my dirty dress as I got out of the cab. I had to clean it straight away or else the blood there will stink forever.

I entered my house and removed the dress in one swift move then walked straight to the balcony where I had my washing machine. I threw the dress inside and went to the bathroom to have a much needed relaxing soak in the tub.

Almost an hour later I got out of the tub and dried myself then put on my sea green silk night dress and without checking my phone, jumped into my bed and slept off.

The next morning, I did my daily routine and prepared for work then after breakfast, got out of my house. I had a feeling that I was forgetting something but couldn't trace it, so shrugging it off, I entered my car and drove to work. It wasn't until I was in the elevator going up to my floor that I remembered yesterday.

My eyes widened in realisation and I wondered what I was supposed to do or say. I looked at my phone that I hadn't bothered to check since yesterday. There was a message from Carlos ordering me to bring him clothes for changing. I scowled,  he was in the hospital what did he need changing clothes for? Wasn't he comfortable with the gown showing off the butt? I laughed suddenly wondering how his butt would look like. Hmm, I know how it would look like. Did you know you can tell how someone's butt looks like from their personality? And for someone as arrogant and overbearing as Carlos, his butt probably was...

"Good morning Miss Powers." My thoughts were interrupted by two girls who entered the elevator.

"Good morning." I politely replied. Oh Thank God.

The elevator reached my floor and I got out. First of all, I wasn't taking any clothes for him, second, I wasn't even going to try to check on him today. He was a grown ass man who can take care of himself. Let him order the Doctors and nurses around, but not your girl.

I walked straight towards my office and saying hi to Minerva, entered and went straight to my desk. I had a busy schedule, today being a Friday and having the urge to complete everything before the day ends. I didn't like having to worry about uncompleted work during weekends and so I dug in.

The day continued so smoothly and I didn't have any interruptions apart from Arturo dropping in to update me on the plans of our next phase of purchases and going out for lunch with Minerva, there was no other interruptions, not even on my cellphone. Surprise!

By the time dusk pushed through, everything was complete and I wished Minerva a lovely weekend as she said goodbye to me. Arturo came in to ask me about my weekend plans and I told him I have none, which was the norm for me. He said maybe Estella will come up with something and I agreed.

"See you when I see you then?" Arturo said leaving my office.

"See you when I see you." I winked at him and finally shut down my computer.

I was kind of feeling guilty for not checking in on Carlos. I mean, I hated him but not enough to see him dead. So maybe I should go see him at the hospital. But where was I going to get his change of clothes that he wanted. I didn't know his size. I should probably just buy a T-Shirt because it was his shirt that had been stained by blood.

I drove towards the hospital and only branched into a Luis Vuitton store to buy a blue Shirt then continued to the hospital.

"Hello." I greeted the reception and told them I was here to see Carlos.

"Oh, Sorry Miss but Mr. Morinho was discharged today at 3 o'clock."

"That can't be. Was he better?"

"Not really, but he said it would be better if he was treated at home and Doctor Knight agreed."

"Oh." But I thought he had said he didn't want his family to see him like this. Tsk, men. "Thanks a lot. I'll be on my way now."

"Sure Miss." the nurse replied and I walked towards the exit, "That's his girlfriend, I think they had a fight." I heard the same nurse say to her friends. Gosh, couldn't she wait until I had left? I rolled my eyes and continued to walk away proudly.

Damn you Carlos. I entered my car and headed home. I'm glad he decided to do that anyway, now I wouldn't feel guilty. I parked my car in the parking lot and locked it then took the elevator to my floor. Now all I wanted to do was eat, read and sleep.

I got out my keys as the elevator doors opened and went straight to my door and inserted the key. A frown covered my face at the first attempt to unlock my door. This has never happened before. I tried again turning the key harder but to no avail. Something was obviously wrong with the key. I looked around and when I saw no one, slowly went to the big flower vase by the door and lifted it. Voila. Another key, it's always good to have a spare stacked somewhere. I went back to the door and it still balked, what? I was hungry and now I really needed to pee. I banged my fist on the door wondering what was wrong. If I was a tenant, I would be worried but this is my house, in my own names. What in the vagabond was this?

I got out my phone and dialled security, the guy picked on the first ring. "Please, something is wrong with my door, can you help now?"

"Be there in a minute." he hung up and true to his word, he was here in a jiffy. "What's the problem Segnorita?"

"Something is either wrong with my lock or my keys." I handed him my keys and gestured towards the door.

"Oh, these seem like old keys. Don't you have the new keys for this lock?"

"What do you mean new keys?" I looked at him even more confused. "I don't need new keys because I have had the same lock for over seven months."

"Oh, your boyfriend changed the locks today, he said..."

"My what?"

"Your bo...." he looked at me and took a step back.

"I heard what you said." I shouted. "I don't have a boyfriend."

"But he was..."

"I don't care what he was, what he were, what he which, I don't have a boyfriend." I said and started banging on the door. "Open this door now whoever is inside or I'm going to call the police." I turned to the security guy, "How can you let a stranger in my house?" My phone was ringing unnoticed.

"Segnorita, your phone is ringing."

"To hell with my phone. I want to enter my house, I'm hungry and I have to pee."

"Errr, maybe it's your boyfriend calling." he was so annoying. Without looking, I answered the phone.


"Can you stop shouting?" What? I removed the phone from my ear and looked at it, Carlos?


"The key is under the rug. I texted you earlier." he said and hung up.

"Oh. You.. y..ou." I said and bent quickly to check the rug and there was a key looking up at me. I picked it up and inserted it in the lock and voila! It opened.

"Can I go now Miss?" the security guy asked.

"You can jump off the building for all I care." I growled at him and entered my house, banging the door shut. I had caused enough chaos since yesterday and now this. I leaned against the door to calm myself. I am not the best person when I'm mad. I usually do and say things I regret and forgetting my hunger and urge to pee, I take a few deep breaths.

What? A house ambush? Okay he definately needs a psychiatrist. Who can guess whats gonna happen next?

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