Chapter 5

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Thanks guys for reading. But like I promised the first comment will have a Chapter dedication. Here's to you @ SanciaWright. Thanks

"You?" I asked with an exaggerated scowl on my face.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Mr. Pigheaded guy asked back.

"Definately." I muttered almost to myself, then turned on my heels. "I'm calling it a night guys, bye."

"Umm, technically, we already called it a night." Estella's smart ass answered earning another scowl from me. "And we had agreed that this very kind gentleman will escort you home since you live a bit far from us and we know you hate sleeping out of your house." Gosh, she almost earned a clap from me for such a wonderful explanation, so being tipsy and not able to get angry, I can do sarcasm.

"Aww, that was so sweet of you guys, but what if he's a murderer." I asked eyeing the subject who narrowed his eyes at me and I mirrored his action, only I believe mine was more perfect.

"I'm right here, and if you are done bickering, lets go." What an ass!

"Lets go babe." Arturo was clearly tired. Estella gave me a puppy look and let Arturo lead the way.

"Lets go." The annoying man startled me out of my thoughts.

"I'm going no where with you." I glared at him. I know I wasn't drunk and my eyesight was pretty clear and I could drive myself home.

"Well too bad, because your friends have left you in my hands and I have to make sure you arrive home safe and sound." he said irritably like he didn't even want to take me home. Maybe he thought that I hadn't noticed but I was observing the way he kept stealing glances at his watch and tapping his foot then clenching his hands into fists.

"What's with you? Just go, I know my way home." I said and moved faster towards the door, clutching my bag to me. I couldn't hear his footsteps but I knew he was following. What kind of man walked with soft steps? Suddenly my photogenic mind started working, was he a spy? a psycho? a dancer maybe? I scoffed at my own silly thoughts as I reached outside and was about to give the valet a tip for my car when a hand appeared with a bigger amount than mine.

"Por favor, lleve mi auto a su auto y venga con nosotros." which meant, ('Please get my car and follow us in her car.')

The valet didn't ask any questions, he just grabbed the money and ran to get his car. I tried to summon all my anger but couldn't, so instead I clenched my hand so hard until I could feel the pain my nails caused. Blast this alcohol. The car arrived faster than I had imagined and Mr. Pigheaded man almost pushed me towards his car. Without a word he closed my door then went to his and entered. After he had made  sure my seatbelt was on, he drove out of the driveway. None of us spoke for the rest of the drive, I didn't even bother to ask him how he knew my home as we slowed down in my driveway. The moment he stopped the car I jumped out like it was on fire and hurried towards my apartment.

"Miss, your keys." Holly Molly, I had forgotten the valet. I turned and he met me halfway then without another glance or a word to anyone I again hurried towards my apartment. I just didn't like feeling vulnerable, depending on people. It made me feel like I owed them. I know I should have been thankful to have someone even volunteer to drive me home, but I am totally okay on my own. I don't understand why people don't get that. I hope that man didn't expect any favors in return.  I sighed when I finally entered my home. Just the warmth in the house was enough for me to cry tears of joy. I didn't like parties because I was always alone there. 'And whose fault would that be?' Stupid brain. I undressed throwing my clothes anywhere, I will find them tomorrow when I arrange the house, but right now, I was going to jump in the bathtub them I will have some sweet sleep.

The next day I was woken up with the loud ringing of my phone. I blinked my eyes repeatedly to get the sleep out of them then gingerly stepped out of the bed. Who was calling me on a weekend? I looked at my bedside clock and it was almost midday. Well, time flies like crazy. I finally reached my phone which was in my purse that I had last night. Estella's name flushed on the screen.

"Before you go any further, it wasn't me and today is not the day." That elicited a laugh from her calling me crazy. "Why are you calling me? Aren't you supposed to be chilling with your boyfriend?" I asked sarcastically.

"This call isn't about me or my boyfriend, tell me what happened last night?"

"What do you think happened?"

"Well, I have these images in my head but I don't want to believe them until you clear things for me. "

"I have nothing to clear." I answered with a smirk. She liked to gossip so much, I was going to keep her in suspense for this. I mean, I didn't even want to talk about last night because it is something I would rather not talk about. 'Apart from you behaving like a spoilt brat.' What? No, we are not going there.

"C'mon, I'm dying to know." Estella's whining brought me back. And then an idea planted itself in my head despite the protest from some other parts of my body.

"Well, the thing is..." I trailed off busking in her impatience.

"Letty don't make me come over." She threatened. "Tell me what happened now."

"Okay, okay. You know we already had chemistry between us so it was so Simple to connect." I lied through my teeth. God forgive me.

"Yeah, it was so clear last night, the way you guys glared at eachother." My dear friend exaggerated eliciting an eyeroll from me. 

"Yeah, well after that, he took me to his car and we had a good talk while he drove me home and asked me out for a date next Friday night." I pulled my phone away from my ear to avoid any damage from the screams on the other end.

"Gosh, girl, I am going to be your make up artist. I have booked you."

"Umm, shouldn't it be me booking you? Which I am totally not?"

"Exactly. That's why I am volunteering." She answered in a matter of fact tone, "So, did you like kiss? Is he promising? Because Arturo told me about your first meeting and how he is a powerful man and your company merging with his was the best thing ever."

I had a scowl on my face throughout her muttering. Yes I was so happy about the merging, but I never imagined that I would not like the boss. I should have researched before meeting him instead of being hit in the face with all he had to offer.

"Anyway." I ignored all she had said. "I don't want to talk about him now that we have a date planned which I think wouldn't be wise since we are going to be working together."

"Bull crap." Estella scoffed, "That is even better, you won't have a place to hide. He knows your home, your work and a thing or two about you so the deal is sealed."

I slowly swore under my breath. There was nothing to worry about though, because I had achieved the most important thing at the moment, Estella wasn't going to hook me up with any more dates. Victory.

"Yeah, you are right." I agreed with her trying not to laugh. "Well, with that said, I gotta go make brunch. See you tomorrow?"

"Sure thing my love." She made kissing noises before she hang up. We always met to go to church on Sundays. She had introduced me to this nice church and it was always amazing to meet with other people for fellowship.

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