Chapter 16

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"Gosh you are a compound fool." I rebuked myself hitting my hands on the steering wheel as I drove home then grabbed the wheel to steady the car. Well as you may not have guessed, I had talked without thinking. Imagine how closer I could get just to revenge? Bull crap. I can't do shit. I mean I am not a weak ass woman but I am also not that desperate. I even had gone ahead to advice him to make more research about me.

Eiishh, what more will he find? My failed relationships? Which I'm sure he already knew about, what else was there to find out. I tried to dig deeper in my brain for something maybe scary I might have done but nothing came up. Arghh. Stupid Stupid Stoopid. I thought hitting the wheel again and only stopping when my hands started to hurt.

I reached home and sighed at the welcoming feeling in my home. Carlos's home was okay but this small apartment I had purchased with my own money, was everything. I fell on my couch as my phone rang at the same time. I looked and it was Carlos, umm nope, not today. I had had enough of him at his house, my kinda threat should have warned him to stay away. Just why he was calling, I wouldn't know and I wasn't going to know tonight.

I laid back ignoring the ringing of my phone. After a few minutes it stopped and I sighed but my joy was short-lived as it started again. I rolled my eyes and went to pour myself a glass of Gustaff, then returned and sat down staring at the phone. Wasn't he going to give up? Believe me if it was me calling, once is always enough.

My mother told me, call someone atleast two times and then stop because either they are too busy to Pickup and will call you later or they have seen your call and don't want to talk to you, as simple as that.

But it seems some people weren't taught well about that as my phone was not going silent even for a minute.

"Stop calling me you little thing or when I see you I'll crash you and stomp on you and have you for breakfast." I stood up and shouted at the phone picturing someone's face there. "Hmm," I stomped my foot and went back to pour another glass of the Gustaff. As I lifted it to my mouth a loud bang on my door startled me making me spill my wine.

My eyes widened as I glanced at my watch then at the door, for sure it was too early for thieves, right? And I mean I didn't have to worry about any thieves because my community had good security but you can never tell. Maybe the thieves had killed the security men and had managed to enter. But at 9pm? Another loud bang made me jump then my mind started working quickly.

You know there are two effects of adrenaline,  either it makes you a coward or a hero. And guess what my adrenaline does, ofcoarse it makes me want to be the hero. So I look around for a weapon, my eyes assessing everything around. Glass? Well I can break the glass on their heads after I pour the wine in their eyes. Couch? I can hide behind it but no I was no coward my friend. Everything around the room didn't fit the kind of weapon I would want but then my eyes zeroed in on my sweet sweet bottle of Gustaff, it was almost empty so I poured the remaining wine down my throat and marched towards the door.

Another bang sounded and slowly I creeped as quiet as a mouse and peeped through the peep hole. No body? Impossible. As I backed out another bang made me jump, couldn't the neighbours hear this? Finally something I should have done moments ago came to mind. The police. crap I was so dumb.

I dialled the police's number and informed them of the intruder then hang up and opened the door with the bottle raised. I stood on the side as the door was pushed open and when the intruder berged in I hit him on the head and I heard a loud grunt. I looked at the bottle and it wasn't broken even one bit. What, he must have a hard head. I lifted it to hit him again but my hands were both grabbed as I was pushed back hard against the wall.

"Blast you goddamn woman." I frowned the voice sounded so familiar. You see, I didn't like bright lights in my home, they literally blind me. So whenever I'm home my lights are so dim I can barely recognize anyone unless they stand in the light. "Do you want to carry out your threat?"

"What do you mean? What do you want in my house? Let me go." I said as I tried to struggle free.

"You...yo..u.." Why was his voice breaking? My eyes widened as he came closer and my mouth gaped open in recognition. "You'" he didn't finish the sentence as he fell forward earning a scream from me and at the same time the police burst into my door.

"Police. Hands up." A loud voice said as four men filled up my small apartment.

"Umm, over here." I muttered struggling to lift off the dead weight that had settled on me.

"What happened here Ma'am?" one officer hurried towards me and relieved me of the load. "And why is it so dark in here? For godsake turn on the lights I can barely see anything." I turned towards the wall and turned on the lights making everyone squint in protest, "Shit, call an ambulance now." The policeman shouted as he gaped at the blood that had soaked Carlos's shirt.

"Oh my God." I said as I stared in unbelief. Where was that blood coming from? I ran towards them but was stopped in my tracks.

"Stay back. He isn't breathing." he said laying Carlos down. "I need you to get me a clean towel now. And a first aid kit, but bring the towel first." I hate being ordered around but I didn't even think twice about that as I sprinted faster than Hussein Bolt towards the bathroom and in no time I was back then I ran back for the first aid kit. When I returned with the kit the paramedics were already there lifting Carlos's huge frame on a stretcher. I winced feeling sorry for them.

"Is he going to be okay?" I asked my lower lip trembling. 

"Yes, hopefully." one of the medicos answered and followed the others out. Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

"What do I do?" I asked no one in particular.

"Are you the one that called the police Ma'am?" The Policeman asked.


"You said there was an intruder, was it him?"

"Umm, yes."

"Do you know him?" he asked writing down my answers in a small book he had removed from his shirt pocket.

"Umm, yeah. we work together."

"Do you know what he was doing here?"

"Ofcoarse not. I had just left his place for dinner."

"Had an argument?"

Gosh, this better end well. "Not really."

"Yes or No." Suddenly I didn't like this Policeman anymore.

"No, can I go to the hospital now?"

"We will take you. Pray that he gets better or else love, things aren't gonna end well for you. Let's go." I followed them blindly as they left my apartment. Stupid Carlos, why did he have to come to my home and bang my door like that instead of knocking like a normal person. I silently cursed him but also wished he was okay by the time we reached the hospital.

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