Chapter 8

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This is for you @araoona. funny comments made my day. 😂

"Who goes there?" I asked after a knock on my office door. It was 5pm and everyone was going home. A long white female leg came through the half opened door. I inwardly groaned, I swear she was going to do this one day when I have a meeting. Perish the thought that Mr. Unmentionable will be available. After her normal sexy act of slowly moving her fingers over her leg, Estella's head popped through. My lips concocted a smile. "Yay, you." I said as Estella fully came in.

"You can't fool me with your fake smile my friend. And the answer is no." She said coming to sit infront of me.

"I haven't even said anything Estella, and I am so tired." I groaned.

"Exactly. That is why you must leave early and release the day's stress before your date. So, no I am not listening to any excuses." She looked at me leaving no room for argument.

"Okay, you win. Let's go home." I gathered up my stuff and stood up.

"First, let me say goodbye to my love." she said and went out leaving me confused. She was going to see him later in the evening, what was the essence of saying goodbye? After too much unsuccessful thinking, I ended with a sigh failing to get an answer. I guess that is how people broke up.

Being in someone's face everyday could lead to familiarity then familiarity will lead to normality, and lastly because you are all used to each other you will all need to look for something new.

I went out too and found them in each other's face. This is what I am talking about. Then I remembered something, Arturo had promised that he will propose this Saturday. That means they should not be together at this moment, they needed to miss eachother. "Enough already." I interrupted their kissing session, gosh. "Let's go Estella." I held her hand and pulled her with me then turned to Arturo and made a ring on the finger sign then whispered wordlessly, 'tomorrow,' lest Estella hears. He smiled nervously and nodded. When we reached my car we entered and I turned to Estella, "You are staying at my place tonight."

"Why?" she asked confused.

"Wouldn't you want to know about how my date will go? Let's have a girl time when I get back, it's been long since we spent a sleepless night doing our stuff." I blinked my eyes repeatedly at her and she agreed. Good. Now the damned nonexistent date.

I drove home and in just a few minutes we were already in my house. I liked to live very close to my work place because I wasn't a morning person, so the habit of waking up only to face traffic was a thing of the past.

"So, what time is your date?" Estella asked again.

"I already told you, 7pm, what's with you asking me over again?" I glanced at her trying to avoid her piercing gaze. She was one smart cookie.

"Because this all doesn't sound right. He isn't picking you up, he hasn't texted you in the last hour we have been together and you don't seem excited about it. Is he blackmailing you?"

"What? Of coarse not. Gosh you are too imaginative."

"Of coarse I know he can't do something like that. What would anyone want to blackmail you about? Arturo told me he is a great person and my research on him showed...."

"You did a research on him?" I was shocked. She never did any research on the people she made me date, ever.

"Ofcoarse, Gal, this guy is very powerful and when he asks you out for a date, there must be something, so I had to do some research." She shrugged like it was nothing.

"So, what did you find out?" I asked curiously.

"Let's say that you have nothing to worry about." She looked at me mischievously, "I am going to give you a couple of questions to ask him, and when you return from your date, we will compare notes, how about that, hmm?" She looked at me victoriously.

This little annoying panda knew I was not being truthful. How did I not even make research on the man? Probably because there was nothing to research about, I mean, I have nothing to do with him, he has nothing to do with me. 'But he had looked into you' my mind reminded me, remembering what he had told me yesterday. Still that didn't mean I can return the favor.

"Hello, are you there?" Estella waved her hand before my face making me focus on her. "You okay?"

"Yeah, Ofcoarse." I smiled at her.

"Good, let's start already,  time has gone. If the date is at 7pm and its now 6pm, means you have less than an hour to prepare and I hate working under pressure, C'mon, move your ass." she said pushing me towards the bathroom,  "Five minutes and no more." She ignored my unbelieving face. "More than that, I pull you out by the hair." she tried to look threatening and though it didn't scare me, I knew she can do just that.

I entered the bathroom and showered anyhow, I mean, I wasn't going out for any date. Four minutes later I came out and found that she had laid two dresses on the bed and make up everywhere on the vanity table.

"That was quick, good." she said pulling me over to the vanity table. "First, smear cream on your body while I look over the dresses." I obediently did what she said, my mind very far already. I knew Estella was crazy, but was she crazy enough to follow me on this date to see how I behaved? I mean it wouldn't be the first time. I almost laughed remembering this same year when she had set me up on a blind date then she had sat at a table next to us with a fake blonde weave and sunglasses. Who wore sunglasses inside a restaurant at night? "Voila, which dress would you choose?" Estella came back from my closet with two more dresses. I shook my head.

"Those are too revealing babe, lets negotiate the ones on the bed already." I suggested and she agreed returning the two.

"Okay, which one?"

"I'm gonna go with green." I said because I loved green.

"Great choice. Quick let's do make up and then you are good to go."

"You know I can do my own make up, right?"

"I know, but I booked you already, so sit back and relax." she said. I rolled my eyes but listened to her.

Thirty minutes later, I was so ready for nothing. The green dress was paired with simple black highheels and a silver necklace with silver ear rings, I had wanted my normal silver studs but my friend had insisted that earings attracted attention to my pretty face. Well...

Estella stood back and looked at me like I was her masterpiece. She looked like a Mother on the day of her daughter's prom. "I'm so proud of you." she said starting to be emotional.

"Cut the crap. Bye." I said turning to go out of the house.

"Okay my love, have a great time. I'll be here all by myself...waiting...for you." She followed me. I knew she was playing but this made me almost tear up.

"Bye." I said to a smiling Estella. "Dont go anywhere okay?"

I went out and by the time I reached my car, the earings were off. Those danglers were just ridiculous. How could anyone believe I was going out for a date with that egocentric man? I had refused to dwell on the things he had told me yesterday because doing that would mean he got to me and I would never let anyone get to me, especially a man. I removed the list of questions that Estella had given me and laughed. Gosh, she was even more ridiculous.

How old are you?
Why are you not married?
How did you acquire all the wealth?
Do you have children?
Do you still live with your parents?
What is your past like?

Jeeeez, I was a crazy person with even crazier friends. Who asked such questions on a first date?

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