Chapter 14

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I was fuming and felt like I was about to erupt, but that has never helped anyone. Thank God I was able to get a cab and arrive back at the office in time for my afternoon meeting with the board. When I arrived, I had rushed to my office and the documents were already on my desk as planned and with Minerva in tow, we walked through the door of the boardroom seven minutes early.

Everyone was talking amongst themselves. I looked around and noticed Arturo engaging a number of people, which was his thing because they seemed engrossed and interested in whatever he was saying. Others were looking through some papers and finally my eyes found the cause of my headache, the person who almost made me doubt my existence. I scowled and walked over to him. I know I should have ignored him but I had to speak to free my heart. He was standing aloof, staring out the window.

"I hope you are thinking about your actions earlier and being remorseful." I commented coming to stand beside him, mirroring his action. 

"I don't remember doing anything worth regretting." he answered solemnly without moving.

"You know, from the beginning I took you for a serious human being, but after all these encounters that have happened, I think you are the most reprehensible person to ever exist." he didn't answer, just continued staring outside. "But I am not one to back away from a challenge either, so if this is how it's going to be, bring it on." I said and turned to face him.

"Is that a threat Miss. Powers?" he asked turning to me with a smirk. oh how I wanted to slap the stupid out of him.

"Oh no. I'm just inviting you to a challenge." I smirked back and we stared at eachother without blinking or flinching. I was so sure this would have gone on if someone hadn't decided to clear their throat.

"The meeting has begun." Said Mr. Ronaldo, who was going to head the meeting today.  We both turned at the same time and without another glance anywhere else, we went and sat down in our respective places.

The meeting went on and instead of fully listening, I was going over my revenge plan. Minerva would brief me later on what they have discussed. 

'I am going to get you hard.' I thought as my plan seemed strategic and successful. I thought of how he had treated me, abjecting me, manipulating and all that. Well that was about to end because he didn't know what I was capable of. When this was all over, he wouldn't know what hit him. I looked to where he was seated and he seemed so serious. 'Yes, be serious now.' I scowled.  He suddenly looked my way, his eyes moved downwards and he laughed.

"Hey, are you okay?" suddenly Minerva whispered close to my ear.

"Yes, why?" I whispered back.

"Umm, you've been tearing that document viciously apart." I suddenly looked down and noticed pieces of paper lying there before me. Crap, no wonder that moron had laughed.

"Meeting adjourned." Whoever it was announced and people scrambled to leave the boardroom. I slowly collected my documents and the small pieces I had torn.

"Are you too cowardly that you take your anger on a small helpless paper?" Carlos said just above me. I know he was egging me on but no worries.

"Weren't you ever taught to mind your business?" I said without looking at him. Everyone had left the room so I stood up to go but he gripped my elbow pulling me back into him. "Oh my God." I suddenly shouted and turned to face him. "Can you just stop?" I pushed back at him but he didn't budge. "What's with you and grabbing people?"

"I just enjoy it." he smirked and let me go.

"Well I don't. But you know what, when I'm done with you, I won't even have a hint of regret in me." I said and finally walked out of the room.

"Are you okay?" Minerva asked me when I finally resurfaced.

"Yes. Minerva, can you please get for me the number of Mrs. Morinho Constanza?" I asked her.

"Mr. Morinho's mother?" she asked her eyes wide.

"Yes Minerva." I said and entered my office. This was giving me a headache but I had to teach this man a lesson. If he thought he did whatever he wanted, well we will see about that soon enough. Maybe he thought he knew me enough, he will find out he actually knew nothing all along. I sat on my chair and plopped my elbows on my desk and started massaging my temples. Few minutes later, Minerva came in with a hot cup of coffee.

"You seem stressed. What happened when you went outside at noon?" she asked sitting down.

"Apart from someone annoying the hell out of me, nothing special." I looked up and smiled at her. "Have you brought her number?" I asked picking up the hot cup and sniffing the coffee.

She nodded her head and handed a piece of paper to me with a number written on it. I thanked her and motioned for her to go which she did. I got out my phone and dialled Mrs. Morinho. She picked on the second ring, bless her.

"Holla. ¿Quién es?" her Cheerful voice asked.

"Hello Mrs. Morinho. I don't know if you remember me. My name is Leticia P...."

"Oh, the star lady." she cut me off cheerfully. I could imagine her clapping her hands. How can someone this cheerful give birth to a very moody, provoking, irate person?  "My granddaughter still asks about you."

"Oh, I'm so glad I made such an impact." I said laughing.

"Well my dear, I haven't forgotten about you either." she said slowly. "You see, my son is single and doesn't want to go out on dates."

"Oh, I see. Well Mrs. Mo..."

"Please call me Constanza."

"Alright, Constanza, umm can we meet whenever you have time?"

"I have time tonight dear, can you come over to our house for dinner?"

"Ofcoarse." I smile.

"Good. I'll send you the location immediately. I am so happy you called. Everyone will be happy to see you."

"Oh about that, can you not tell anyone that I'm coming tonight? I want it to be a surprise." or a shock. I said.

"Whatever you want my dear." she said and I could hear authenticity in her voice.

"Alright then, see you later." I said and hang up then leaned back in my chair. Carlos Morinho, I'm coming after you.

If you want to get closer to a child, what better way than through its Mother.

I hope you are all safe you wonderful People. Please try to stay safe... Much love.

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