Chapter 43

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I looked at the clothes laid down on my bed before me and sighed. I kinda did an eenie meenie miney moe, no kidding but I knew I had to settle for the black dress. Black will never disappoint, so yeah. I had done my make up already and the only thing remaining was slipping on this little thing then donning my shoes and I was good to go. 

My dress was a twist mid, that covered my front but left almost my back open. I had no need of a jacket, being mid-July, it was already hot. I accentuated it with pearl ear loops and my normal office watch then slipped on my black Bella Belle shoes that guaranteed my comfort through the whole ordeal. 

With a last glance in the mirror, I went downstairs my eyes sliding over to the wine cabinet. My nerves were everywhere. Should I gulp down a glass before he came up? Good idea. I walked over to the wine bar, and as my hand reached out for the bottle a knock stopped me. zut zut zut. 

I sighed and walked to the door. We didn't say anything for a couple of minutes as we stared at each other, me still inside and him still standing outside. His gaze swept over me, taking his time.

"Hi." We both said simultaneously then chuckled. 

"You look nervous." He said and I shrugged. "Wow, not fighting are you now?" he grinned and held out his hand. "Ready?" 

"A minute," I said and walked over to get my bag then heard his sharp intake of breath.

"Are you sure you don't need a jacket?" He asked his eyes narrowing.

"I'm okay, let's go." I shook my head and took his hand.

"Well, I wasn't really worried about you." he grumbled under his breath making me smile. I'm glad he hadn't pushed it. 

We entered the elevator and he made me stand in front of him with my back to him. His hands went around me and he pulled me towards him. "Are you excited for this date?" he asked.

"I don't know, maybe?" I answered and he granted.

"That's one of the things we have to work on, I guess."

"Which is?" 

"Expression. You need to learn to express what's in your heart." He kissed my temple, "Don't let your mind control you." 

"My mind is important to me." I said defensively.

"Of coarse, love, but sometimes you need to just let it rest." The doors opened, "After you." He said and I walked out first suddenly missing his embrace. Despite the heat outside, I assure you for a moment I felt cold and wanted to go back in his arms. 

"This way," he led me to his car, his hand coming to rest at my lower back. There it was again, that feeling. I didn't want to put a name to it because I wasn't really sure. He opened my door and after closing it went to his. He sat down and stared at me suddenly making me uncomfortable. 

"What, something wrong?" I asked.

"You look dashing." He said 

"Oh, thanks." It felt different coming from him. He drove out of the driveway and twenty minutes later, we were at the Terrat Hotel. Terrat is known to offer top class food and magical 360-degree views over Barcelona. 

A waiter led us to the terrace and showed us to our seats. The rooftop looked absolutely breathtaking. I looked around in awe taken in by the beautiful art before my eyes. "You like it?" Carlos asked.

"I love it." I expressed without thinking. 

"That, my love is how to express yourself truly." He whispered close to me and I immediately came to myself. 

The waiter came to our table. "Buenas noches. Puedo tomar su orden?" 

Carlos looked at me, "What do you want to eat?" then he looked at him, "Toma su orden primero." 

"Umm, I would like a mixed salad for the entrees, Gazpacho and Jamón," I nodded at him.

"Para mí, otro plato de ensalada mixta y una presa ibérica." 

"Alright, and for drinks?" 

"El vino favorito de la senora, una botella de Terra Vermella." Carlos said and I burst out laughing. 

"How did you know what I like to drink?" I asked and he shrugged. Making me shake my head. The waiter went away and I cleared my throat, "By the way, how comes you didn't reserve the whole rooftop for us?" I jokingly asked. 

"Do you want that?" he asked seriously making me laugh.

"Of coarse not. Was just wondering, isn't that what most billionaires do on their dates?" 

"I wouldn't want you to miss out on the whole experience." he said watching me closely, "You know, watching the other diners, we can talk about them when we are out of topics to discuss." He smiled and I laughed out making him laugh too. 

"Well, that sounds downright legit." I said.

"Right? I always think ahead, looking out for the interest of my date." 

"But wait, do you think your date would like to talk about other people during her date?" 

"Don't you?" he asked

"No," I shook my head, "I would rather busk in the silence, as long as it's comfortable." I confessed. 

"I get you." He leaned back in his seat and looked at me, "How often do you see your sister?" Yeah, I wasn't surprised at the question. 

"It's been a while now. We are supposed to get together end of July with her family, haven't decided yet." I turned the tables around, "Do you have any siblings?"

"Only child." He said, "I wouldn't want that for my Bella though." He added and at that same moment our orders came in and the waiter came with the bottle of wine and introduced it then asked if he could pour it. 

After that, time flew as we ate and chatted at the same time. Carlos seemed to laugh more and was so laid back than he usually is. Was this the real him? It didn't matter anyway, what mattered was at this moment I was having a good time and felt happy. 

"That was one of the most amazing dinner I've had for quite a while." Carlos said as our table was being cleared.

"I agree," I nodded, "You're actually a fun guy, Carlos Vincent Morinho." 

"Oh, you're just seeing that now?" He raised an eyebrow.

"You bet." I said and he chuckled. 

"Do you want to get cozy for a while?" He changed the topic and without waiting for my answer stood up and grabbed my hand then walked me over to a more comfortable area with cushions and couches. "Have a seat, I want to show you something." 

I frowned as he went to sit across from me. "I thought you'd sit next to me." I confessed.

"In a while." he said and grabbing a napkin close by, he got out a pen from his jacket's inner pocket and started writing something down. "Look at me," he said making me even more confused. 

"What are you doing?" I whispered, my heart was beating anxiously. He didn't answer but continued to look at me as he wrote whatever he was writing. After a minute, he put the pen away and stood up then came to sit next to me. 

He unfolded the napkin and showed me what he had written there. I gasped. Not in my wildest thoughts had I imagined that he could do something like this. I looked at him silently wondering as he smiled back at me. 

"Tell me what you see." he whispered. 

What do I see? Hey what do you see? Wanna know?... Leave a comment and a vote. 

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