Chapter 26

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"Ahhhhh," Yep, that was me waking up and facing what my mind thought was danger. I glared at the culprit. 'Lord, can I kill him, please?' I silently prayed without taking my eyes off Carlos.

"It's time for work," he said looking at me while he shaking.

I had really tried for the last two days to keep up with him and tolerate him but this, setting my alarm at 6 am and putting it ring on my ear was unforgivable behavior.

"It's 6 am, do you have a death wish?" I screamed at him but he continued to look at me unmoved.

"Miss. Powers, the fact that I let you do whatever you wanted for the last two days doesn't mean I was going to do nothing about it," he said neutrally.

You see, on Tuesday we had kind of a fight and blackmail scenario when I had insisted that I would go to work by hook or crook and guess what this caveman had done? He had forced me on a chair and tied my hands behind me.

I can still feel some pain at the memory. After like an hour or so I had given in due to the pain and had accepted to work from home. Then he had shocked me by making breakfast, then lunch then dinner? Three meals in a row y'all.

And before I forget, I had called Sheila and apologized then called her over. She had also been surprised that Mr. Vulnerable Poor Man could actually cook. She had stayed all day that Tuesday and then called by her senior.

So basically on Tuesday I hadn't done any work and Carlos had claimed to be too busy to look at the documents.

On Wednesday, I had slept until 9 am then had gone to make breakfast only to find Carlos already in the kitchen.

"Don't you ever sleep?" I had muttered reaching for the kettle to boil water.

He had looked at me once then replied, "There's a lot to do than sleep."

"Whatever floats your goat," I had murmured and sat on the nearby chair then he had glared at me. "What?"

"Watch your mouth," he had warned and I had looked at him confused, I hadn't even said anything bad.

"No, you watch your mouth," I had replied.

"Eat," he had then dropped a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon on the table in front of me then had left the kitchen. "I'm going to be busy today, don't disturb."

"I wouldn't dream of it," I had muttered to myself and just like that, he hadn't said a word to me even when I had made lunch and dinner and had asked him if he was hungry.

And now here we were having a glare down. "It's not my fault that you don't want to look at the documents I had brought,"

"As a responsible person, you should have taken it upon yourself to look through them and let me know if there is any problem,"

"I refuse to act as your assistant," I said adamantly crossing my arms over my chest. This was ridiculous.

"If there is even a single mistake in those documents, both companies will be liable for the damages," he pointed a finger at me.

"That wouldn't happen if someone didn't want to show they are the boss by trying to make someone stay home when she would have done a better job at her own office,"

"What do you do at the office better than sitting your ass in a chair the whole day and looking at documents like this."


"Now do me a favor and do just that here," he said locating the documents where they had sat since Monday and threw them at me. Papers flew everywhere as I looked at him in shock.

What the heck had crawled up his ass? With a satisfied smirk, he turned and went upstairs.

I looked at the mess and with a growl started picking up the papers and arranging them properly. After, I folded my covers and went upstairs, and as usual put them in the closet and picking out some clothes, walked to the bathroom. 

It has been long since I woke up at 6 am, and if it was like any other day, I still would have been sleepy but after that drama downstairs, there was no ounce of sleep left in these pretty eyes.

I showered and minutes later came out fully dressed and without sparing someone a glance, went back downstairs and made my breakfast. This was my house and it was high time I acted the part of the owner. 

I aggressively ate my breakfast then went to look at the documents. Sooner, I was engrossed in them that I hardly noticed the doorbell ring until I saw Carlos going to open the door.

'Since when did he start opening doors?' I frowned suspiciously until I saw who had come.

"Here, let me help with that," he said taking the bags she carried from her. What the heck?

"Hey, Letty, I didn't know you were here?" Sheila smiled at me.

The hell you didn't. "To what do I owe the surprise?" I said smiling at her. At least I won't be bored.

"Actually, I'm here to see Carlos," she smiled apologetically.

"What?" I asked in confusion. When did Carlos and Sheila become such close friends?

"I called her over, this way Sheila," he said without sparing a glance my way then he led her in the kitchen. What, he had her number?

"He didn't tell me that you were here or I would have brought food for three," she whispered to me before following my... I mean Carlos to the kitchen.

I bit my lip so hard to stop myself from screaming. What was he playing at? I looked back at the document in my hand and threw it down hastily, Jeez, I had almost torn the poor thing into two.

I forced myself to relax and picked it back up. I had nothing to worry about. The earlier someone took him off my hands the better. I would have my peace once again.

I know if Estella or Arturo found out about this they would be so mad at me. I hope they don't find out. I forced my mind to drown out the voices in the kitchen and after a few minutes I saw them walking upstairs.

Sheila glanced at me and winked. I held my breath and the minute they closed the door, I released it and stood up faster than flash. I looked around for my keys, thank God I had chosen a romper or else I would have had to go upstairs to change.

I left the house and took the lift downstairs and when I reached my car, I opened it and sat inside then screamed. What in the lowly hell was that?

I was so frozen struck that I couldn't get the guts to caution them on whatever they were doing or going to do for that matter.

For all I know, Sheila won't keep her mouth shut and when Estella finds out what happened, I don't know what she's going to think.

What should I do? I mean, I don't own the man, and neither can I tell Sheila what to do? I was sure going to burn the sheets, the mattress, and the bed when he leaves.

I groaned and leaned on the steering wheel. What had I gotten myself into? This was all my fault.

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