Chapter 21

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I was woken up with persistent knocking on my front door. I reached towards my bedside table but remembered that I was sleeping in the living room. I sat up and looked for my phone which lay on the other side of the couch. I got it and looked at the time. It was just a few minutes past 9. Who the heck came to my house at this time? I groaned falling back on the bed then my phone rang.

"What?" I answered it. Why couldn't he just shout out what he wanted anyways.

"Can you just open the damn door?" he growled in my ear.

"I am not expecting anyone so no." I said.

"Well I am expecting someone. Just open the door and show them to my room."

"Your room? How.. Hello heyy." he had hang up on me. Who did he think he was? I got up and stomped to the door then pulled it with such force. Oh no. You again?

"Hello Leticia." Yva greeted me with a big smile.

"Hi." I said not moving.

"Sorry for the persistent knocking." You should be, "I thought you were still sleeping and you couldn't hear me." she looked at me expectantly.

"Okay." I said trying to smile.

"Umm, may I?" she said signalling with her hand.

"May you what?"

"May I come in?" Oh crap. I had forgotten that I was actually standing in the door.

"Oh. Sure." I said moving out of her way.

"Thanks. So, where is Carlos?" she asked looking around like she expected him to pop out of no where.

"Sleeping." I mumbled and went back to sit on my makeshift bed. Now my sleep was spoilt.

"Okay, so I'm gonna make coffee and breakfast for him, just the way he likes it then I'll take it to him." Gosh I so wanted to kick her out of my house.

"Suit yourself, it's a free world." I said and laid back down and started browsing through my phone.

She went to the kitchen and did whatever she did. My mind was running one mile a minute. Who was she anyway? And how did she know everything he wanted? Why was Carlos nice to her?

I knew I could get my answers easily just by asking but no, I wasn't going to do any of that.

"Hey, Leticia. I made enough breakfast in case you are hungry." She suddenly said with her head peeping through the kitchen door.

"Thanks. I actually don't eat breakfast." I smiled at her.

"Oh, that's too bad." She said and slipped back in the kitchen. I hated myself for sounding like a bitch. I suddenly got up and went to the kitchen.

"I think I've changed my mind." I said smiling at her. "I wouldn't want the food to go to waste, especially if it is as delicious as it looks."

"I'm sure you'll find it very delicious." She said with a laugh. "Do you drink coffee?"

"Just for the smell." I shrugged.

"I suggest you try mine." She said handing me a steaming cup of coffee.

"Okay then. Thanks for breakfast." I said and found a plate.

"It's my pleasure." I saw her in my peripheral vision as she walked up the stairs to my bedroom with a tray. I looked at the food. Scrambled eggs with sausages and cheese bread. I sat down to eat then heard laughter upstairs.

My apetite died as fast as it had come. I hadn't even tasted the food yet. I got up and put the plate along with the coffee in the microwave then went back in the living room. I wasn't going to stay here for another annoying minute. After a few minutes, I folded the bedsheet and duvet and slid back the couch in its original position then walked up the stairs.

The door was half open so I just walked in and without saying a word, walked towards my wardrobe and put the covers back inside then picked up some clothes and walked to the bathroom.

"Umm, Leticia, Carlos is..." I didn't heed whatever she was saying but continued to the bathroom and opened the door.

I don't think what happened next was fate. I would like to call it stupidity because when I opened the door I just entered and closed it. On turning back, Carlos stood half naked with one eyebrow raised looking at me.

I gave a startled yelp and clutched my clothes to my chest. "What are you doing here?" I asked shocked.

"I should be asking you that because I clearly heard when Yva warned you that I was inside here." he looked mad, but well so was I.

"She didn't tell me anything." I denied clearly remembering her trying to say something which I had blutantly ignored.

"I guess you're just dying to see me naked aren't you?" he smirked moving closer, his hand going to his towel.

"Ofcoarse not." My eyes widened in unbelief. He surely wouldn't do what I was thinking would he?

"If not then Miss Powers, tell me why you ignored her warning and continued here then even locked us inside?"

"I didn't know you were here okay?" I said looking everywhere but at him. His eyes pierced through me as he leaned closer.

"Maybe a little coercion can help you say the truth." he said suddenly putting his hand behind my head and pulling me to him in a scorching kiss.

No, I don't believe this was happening. Wait, was I kissing him back? Ofcoarse I was, because I have never felt this kind of force before. It seemed unknown, undescribable, undiscovered. I was almost shivering with fear. We both pulled away at the same time and stared at eachother.

I should slap him, right? He seemed dazed too, like he was out of it. A slap will probably bring him back to his senses, but instead as I clutched my clothes to me, I raised one hand to push him away and the moment I touched his chest, he grabbed my hand and pasted it on him.

"Don't." he warned but I didn't know what he meant. We continued looking at eachother. There was some sort of current going on between us but I couldn't understand it. He raised his other hand and traced my lips with his fingers. I can't allow this, no man has ever touched me like this and made me feel this kind of way. He leaned in for another kiss and I moved forward but we both immediately jumped back when a knock sounded on the bathroom door.

"You guys okay?" Yva asked and the air immediately cleared. I moved away from the door and put my clothes on the rack then looked at Carlos.

He was reaching for a shirt, "Everything is fine Yva." he said buttoning his shirt, his eyes glued on me.

Suddenly I felt guilty, did Yva mean something to him? "You need to get out, I need to shower."

"That's what I'm doing." he growled donning his pants.

"Hurry." I said and got out my toothbrush and started brushing my teeth.

Twenty minutes later, I was done. I dressed up from the bathroom in a simple floral jumpsuit. I pulled back my hair in a messy bun and passed my hands through my face. It being a weekend, I didn't plan on going anywhere. I didn't know if those people were still in the bedroom or they had gone out.

After approving my look in the mirror I walked out of the bathroom and was glad to find no one. The bed was neatly laid and everything looked clean. Good. I slowly moved out and decided to go down towards the living room hoping no one was in the house.

The moment I left the bedroom I heard voices downstairs and quickly went to see who it was, my heart beating.

"There you are my friendy. You have a lot to explain." Uh oh.

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