Chapter 38

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"Dear, do you have a boyfriend?" I chocked on my lemonade and coughed a couple of times. "Oh, Did I startle you? I'm so sorry." Constanza rubbed my back meanwhile.

"Mum, I completely told you no questions whatsoever or she goes." Carlos glared at his Mother. 

"I just wanted to know." Constanza replied defensively. 

"What's a boyfen?" Bella asked. 

"See that?" Carlos looked at his Mum, "It's nothing pumpkin." He smiled at Bella.

"I think it's something bad." Bella mused.

"How so?" Carlos asked.

"Because it made Miss Powers cough so much." We all laughed suddenly catching Tim's attention, who suddenly got up and started running around us and bopping us with his nuzzle. 

"It's definitely bad dear." I smiled at Bella. 

"Daddy, take out this lettuce." Bella's attention was now focused on her sandwich. 

"Bella, the lettuce is good for you pumpkin," Carlos said.

"I don't want it." She insisted. 

"Well, you need to eat it because we are not throwing it away." 

"You eat it." She shoved the sandwich in his face. 

"How about you ask Miss Powers for help?" Carlos turned to grin at me. Oh no you don't. He stood up and grabbing a frisbee, threw it in the air. "Tim, fetch." 

Bella looked at me with puppy eyes, "Miss Powers, can you please take it out?" 

"Umm, are you sure you don't want to try it?" I asked to which she shook her head vehemently. "I don't really like lettuce sometimes, do you want to see how I eat it?" She nodded excitedly. I removed her lettuce and put it in a bowl then cut it up with a knife from the basket, and got a lemon. "Do you want to squeeze this on the lettuce?" She nodded. 

I mixed the lettuce, tomatoes, put some mayo and threw in a few raisins. "Well, you make a quick salad. Wanna taste?" She nodded and I handed a fork to her. She took some and took a bite. 

"I like it." She clapped gleefully. "Can I put my bread inside?" 

"Of coarse hun," I nodded. 

"Gosh, thanks. We've never been able to make her eat that lettuce." Constanza said.

"I wasn't sure she was going to eat it either." I said smiling. 

In that moment, I sensed a movement in my side vision and turned to see a frisbee and Tim running towards it. It was headed straight for Bella and without thinking I lifted my hand and grabbed it at the same time as Tim jumped to catch it. I fell sideways, avoiding Bella by a few inches. 

"Oh dear, are you okay?" Perfect, I groaned as I tried to get up. I looked down and the whole lemonade had spilled over me with a broken glass inches to my left. Bella was perfectly okay and Tim still stood over me. "Bad dog, get off." Constanza shouted at Tim who was trying to pull the frisbee that I didn't know I was still holding, from my hand. I suddenly let go and Tim jumped away.

"Are you okay?" Carlos ran over and checked Bella who was already petting Tim. 

"Carlos Vincent Morinho." Constanza said sternly, "Do you have eyes to see? How can you be so careless?" 

"I'm sorry Mum, I didn't know what I was thinking." He suddenly looked over at me and his eyes widened. "You're bleeding." 

", I'm not." I looked at myself confused. Apart from my wet dress and the dull pain in my hand, I felt okay. Constanza gasped and I felt even more confused.

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