Chapter 1

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I love break ups. Those things keep my brain alive. A break up is the first thing I think of when I see a happy couple. I don't believe they would last forever, it's all for a while. So I laugh at them every time I see them happy. I'm not even jealous, there's always that thing in me that sighs with relief when I realise I'm not the one in a relationship. Knowing that a relationship won't last forever keeps me alert and feeds me with a need to fight even harder. It's not that I don't like the opposite sex, oh no, I love men like crazy. I appreciate those God's wonderful creations, it's just that, they aren't enough. Something is always missing, even when you think you have landed that tall, dark and handsome man, my heart would still crave for more.

Now I wouldn't know what to call that because truthfully speaking, I'm not one to do research on issues that I might think are bothering me. They are just a once in a while thing, not something to be worried about. I have come to live with that part of me; I think I was born with a love for break ups. I remember when I was a teenager who had started fantasizing about relationships, I always pictured break ups and cherished those moments. I could just sit there and picture myself in a relationship and then suddenly I'm breaking up with the guy for some weird  reason; it didn't need to be plausible, and he's begging but I had no reason to get back with him so I would just move on. Day dreaming about break ups kept me alive, so I grew up like that. Someone would call me sick because I come from a normal and stable family; Well until I was twenty because my parents broke up too and my family scattered. But Well that was eight years ago and I'm way over that. Now I'm a grown ass successful woman with her own business. I have everything I could ever ask for.

Today I have a meeting with the CEO of Shuiqiao Real Estates. They want to merge with my company and I'm taking my precious time because I am the Boss, they will wait for me. I sit at my vanity table in the bedroom and apply my make up. I smear primer on my face before I apply a light amount of foundation then do a little contouring, light grey eye-shadow and brown eye-liner then lastly I use a mascara on my long eyelashes. I always love taking care of my face and body, they are the only things I love close to my family. I put my red lipstick, check my nails and look at myself in the mirror, all done. I bat my eyelashes, blow myself a kiss and Stand up slowly looking at my well shaped suit clad body. I rarely wear suits, or put on this much make up, I'm usually a casual woman with everything, but because of this merger meeting, I have to look good and serious.

I picked my Fendi bag from where it lay on my bed and walked out of the bedroom. I climbed down the stairs and grabbed my smoothie which I had made first thing in the morning, from the table where I had placed it and walked towards the door. Unlike my friend Sheila, I'm not a coffee person. I grabbed the keys to my Mercedez and walked out of the house.

Oh, by the way; My name is Leticia Powers, born and raised in Uganda but moved to Spain in my twenties.  I had finished with my studies and wanted to travel and write. I can speak five different international languages which I learnt on an app, yeah, I'm that smart. After settling in Spain, Barcelona, I invited my family to live with me. My mother and Sister came but Mom had to return because She said She was too old to learn a new language because the older people her age spoke only in Spanish, so She preferred to keep her old friends back home. We visit her once in a while though. My Sister, Brenda on the other hand is living in Salamanca and married to a Spanish guy with two kids. I don't think their marriage will last though; Don't ask me why, I just know.

Now back to the present, I slow down as I reach my office which is in one of the busiest part of town. My company is on the Thirteenth floor. I park in my space and look at my watch, fifteen minutes late, good. I get out of the car and stride to the evolving doors then with a smile to the security, I head towards the elevator and press my card then my floor number. I calculate that I'll be in my office in three minutes and in the conference room in six. I look at myself through my phone screen then roll my eyes, this guy better be handsome. I didn't play dress up for an ogre. The elevator pings and the doors slide open, I get out and my secretary Minerva is waiting for me, "Buenos dias." I smile at her but she's too tense to smile back.

"Letty you are late for the merger mee..."

"Meeting, I know." I cut her off as I continue to walk towards my office. "Relax, Minerva. I got this." I reassure her with a smile and she relaxes outwardly but I know her heart is racing 100mph. I sigh and enter my office, place my bag on my chair then turn and go out towards the conference room. My strides are confident as I march like an avenging Angel, of coarse with nothing to avenge. I look through the glass doors and see my colleague Arturo Pratt with two other men. I could only see the back of their heads so I couldn't describe them. I entered with Minerva at my heel. "Good Morning Gentlemen." I announced my presence with a bright greeting but was replied with gruffs. The first man turned to face me, he was tall with brown well combed hair and deep green eyes. Hmm, green eyes, I love the color.

"Good Morning Miss Powers. Please sit down, we will go straight to the point." he said politely with a smile. I smiled back not bothering to ask for names knowing introductions had already finished and nodded then went around the table to sit next to Arturo who already seemed to be collecting his composure, the men had probably ruffled his feathers when they realised they had to wait. I pulled back my chair and sat down facing the other man who refused to stand or face me, probably as Pig headed as I was, then I lifted my eyes and looked at him; I swear I almost chocked on my saliva. How can someone be this handsome, this unfairness ought to be banned.  He was looking straight at me with the angriest look I've ever seen. His blue eyes pierced holes in my head as he clasped his hands together probably for control. His blonde well trimmed hair was a mess, it seemed he had passed his fingers through a lot of times out of impatience. His eyebrows were a bit closer to each other caused by his squinty eyes, his nose seemed to flare from controlled breathing and his upper lip was raised in a noticeable sneer. I raised an eyebrow at him, What was his problem?

"You are thirty minutes and twenty two seconds late." He suddenly managed to say through gritted teeth.

"Okay, Can we now start?" I replied with a sweet smile.

Author's note.
Welcome welcome welcome. Do you guys remember Julia in The French CEO? Well, her sister or someone more spankier(if I can say that) than her is here. Sit back! Enjoy the ride. Check in with a comment cuz I've totally missed y'all. Much love.

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