Chapter 7

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First things first. Thanks guys for showing this new story some love. This Chapter goes to @ Carolnaki, thanks for your support luv.

"What were you two going on about?" I was brought out of my musing by that annoying voice.

"Nothing that concerns you." I gave him a smile.

"Last I checked, I am a part of this company and one of the decision makers. So whatever you two were discussing concerns me." he walked closer to me.

"Even if it was personal?" I smirked at him.

"That is out of the question and that brings me to the reason I came to your office." he said sliding both hands into his pockets. His black suit fit so perfectly that I almost wanted to hold a protest against it. Have you ever seen someone so attractive that they made you insecure about yourself, your looks and dressing? That is what was happening and I didn't like one bit of it. Him standing so close to me like this making me aware of all his presence made me really kind of nervous. So I did one thing that always worked, crossed my hands over my chest.

"Yeah, why are you here since you haven't shown interest in coming from day one." I felt in control now.

"My presence here is irrelevant. I am here because after your behavior last week, I am not sure if a merge between our companies was a wise decision."

What the heck! What did I do last week? Okay, rewind, this isn't how it was supposed to go. I shook my head to clear it, "Sorry, what?"

"I will not repeat myself. When your partner reached out to me for a merge, I had my people look into your company and I didn't find fault. But after meeting you, I wondered how you could have been able to run your little company until I came to a conclusion that if it wasn't for your partner, your company would probably be no more."

"What has my company got to do with me?" I asked confused because I didn't even know what was happening now. I was probably hallucinating and wont be held responsible for any of my actions.

"The successful running of a company depends on its leader. You are irresponsible, undecisive,no control,  weak and you are a child still looking for her fath...." His sentence was cut short by a slap on his face. Yes, I had slapped him and now I was regretting it. "And you are impulsive." he added despite of the slap.

"How dare you?" I asked looking him straight in his unaffected face. "I have worked..."

"Very hard for this." he cut me short. "I know that story, but that doesn't make you a competent leader."

"It doesn't matter, what you just said to me was totally uncalled for." I told him. "I may not be a good leader, but I care about my employees, I always make sure their needs are catered for and I have always put this company and my partner first. So, you, coming from wherever you crawled out of pointing a finger at me out of nowhere, I just don't get it." You see what I told you about handsome men? Pieces of junk, so the advice goes, don't judge a man before he speaks.

"My point still stands." he continued off handedly, "I don't think I want you making future decisions for this company. If I need anything, your partner Mr. Arturo Pratt will be reliable."

"You have no say in that." I assured him.

"Oh, I do. Unless you did another childish act of not reading the terms of the merge. Let me refresh your memory, I own this company since my shares exceed all yours."

"So, you mainly came here for the major purpose of throwing all that in my face, for what reason?" I raised an eyebrow. I was getting tired of seeing his stupid smug face.

"It was just to let you know that I know who you are and since I stand a bigger chance of losing a lot, I will not risk by letting you make decisions for this company anymore."

"Okay, now that your message has been delivered, you may return to wherever you crawled out from." I turned my back to him waiting for the door to close.

"One last thing before I leave." There's more? I groaned. I still needed time to process the shit he just said to me. "Isn't it a rule that office relationships are not allowed?"

"Well who did you see having an office relationship, your royal Highness?" I turned to him.

"I don't like the position I found you in with Mr. Pratt."

"Arturo is my friend for godsake." I said through my teeth, "And he has a girlfriend. And your opinion doesn't matter on this to be honest."

"Whatever it is. No relationships." he continued like my explanation wasn't enough. "I hope we don't cross paths again." he added and turned to leave.

"Oh the feeling is mutual." I said loud enough for him to hear and with a laugh he closed my office door. I dropped down in my seat and tried to process everything that had happened in the last minutes. Minerva came in and silently closed the door then came to sit infront of me and put a sweet smelling cup of coffee before me. I smiled at her.

"I heard everything." she said. She may be my secretary but she was also my friend. "All he said was false. I have met his kind before. The type who thinks they have someone figured out and decide not to look any further. He is the type of man who has grown thinking things are done in a certain way and his way is the right way. But that doesn't make any of what he said right, honey."

"Well, why do I feel like a convicted guilty fellon?" I asked trying to laugh.

"Who talked about guilt? Everyone is guilty of one thing or another but you Leticia, are a pure soul."

"Thanks Minerva." I smiled at her and took a sniff of the coffee, the smell calmed me. You see, I wasn't a coffee drinker because I hated its bitter taste, but mixed well with cream it was always good enough, the sweet scent an added bonus. 

"Don't worry about it. Just looking out for my end of month bonus." She said with a laugh and I put on a shocked face and picked up a file then got up to chase her around.

"I knew you weren't with me for me but for my money you wicked wicked woman." we were laughing as we ran around when the door opened and we both stopped mid laugh to look at who stood there.

Someone shoot me.

"Uh Oh." Minerva whimpered.

"I forgot my phone." Carlos Morinho walked straight to the phone that had sat unseen on my table. Picked it up and throwing a piercing accusing glance my way, he walked out of the office without another glance.

I groaned and fell in the nearby couch. Yes, I had said his name without thinking and y'all now know it. His accusations earlier now seemed legit. I mean which boss ran around in the office with their secretary?

"I'm so sorry Miss. Powers." Minerva tried to apologize. I just looked at her and laughed. Let's just say, today wasn't my day for sure.

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