Chapter 3

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"You look delicious." I frowned at Estella and took a cautious step backwards just in case. "I mean not enough to be me." She continued earning another frown from, Yes, me. "But enough to be eaten by..."

"Okay, I get it." I interrupted her not wanting to know whatever person she had in mind. Knowing her, She had probably blackmailed some poor guy to be my date tonight.

"Good. Let's go in now." Estella smiled at me extending her hand.

"There you are," Arturo came out as we started to enter glaring at Estella who just widened her eyes a little and pouted her lips. Eww, I immediately looked away in disgust.

"Babe, I just came out to wait for Letty." Estella explained glancing over at me.

"I can see, and She is late again." Arturo scowled. "Do you have a death wish?" he turned to me with a frown.

"Hey, it's not my fault that the dress I had in mind didn't fit me anymore." I defended myself.

"So where did you get that? You look hot though." Arturo said with a smirk. If I had a boyfriend and he complimented another woman like this in front of me, I promise he wouldn't live to see the back of my ass disappearing from him. But Estella was the cool type.

"Thanks. I had to go to the nearest cloth store and get this." I told them as we entered. The hall was full with soft music playing and people talking with each other in groups of twos and threes and fours, all dresses in formal attires. My eyes scanned the room probably seeking for a good looking short term potential boyfriend, and when they didn't catch anyone I sighed in disappointment.

"You guys go ahead, I'll look around." I told the two and not waiting for their reply, walked towards a few familiar faces from the office. I saw a group of some sales team and smiled at them walking over. You see, I am what you can call a Cool boss. I fit in with all departments because growing up, I wanted to be everything and so I had studied almost everything, If not in school, by myself at home online. So I can practically connect with almost everyone on all levels. "Hi guys, How is it going?" I greeted the group which contained three women and two men.

"Not bad," One girl answered, and then we had a problem. It didn't matter how much of a genius I was and how I had a memory that would put Akira Haraguchi to shame, I never remembered names of anyone at all. Well, Apart from my immediate family and friends of coarse.

"Hmm, that's nice to hear." I gave her a big smile. "And how do you like the idea of the merge?" I asked no one in particular.

"We think it's going to be even better because for me it's like a dream come true working for Mr...." At that exact moment, my mind went blank but I could hear the glee and excitement in the girl's voice. Why didn't my mind want to accept that name? Maybe it was a potential threat waiting to strike? I mused to myself, I think it was better if I avoided it. I mean knowing myself and my love for powerful handsome men, staying clear was the best option. For the good of my company and the other people involved. There and then, I made a decision not to be involved with his work or anything that concerned him in any way. Arturo will take over. I thought gladly congratulating myself on being the best problem solver of all time.

"That is good to hear." I finally said to the group that was already smitten by the new Boss. "I'll let you enjoy yourselves then." I smiled at then and turned to go find something to do when someone cleared their throat through the microphone. I turned to see Arturo calling for attention.

"Ladies and Gentleman, on behalf of our company and everyone involved, we would like to officially welcome you." he put on his charm as people clapped in acknowledgement.

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