Chapter 32

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Hola amigas y amigos. I fell off the face of the earth. I guess adulting happened. But I realised I can't mention about being an adult and mature if i have unfinished work or business. This might or might not be my last work, but I'm gonna finish the hell out of it...Wish me Luck...and Thank you...


She never came back. That maddening woman. I knew she needed to learn the hard way. I got out my phone and called Yva my PA then gave her instructions on what to do. An hour later I was settled in that woman's mediocre apartment. I went over the week's schedule with Yva as I won't be able to appear at the office. None of my family or close contacts was to know of my ridiculous situation. 

Later that evening my rest was disturbed by a commotion outside. I knew she would cause a ruckus with all this. I called her to put a stop to this and I couldn't help laughing at her fuming face. I don't know why my heart beat faster every time she looked like she was about to explode. I never had this kind of confrontation with a woman before. Were all the women afraid of me? Why wasn't this one scared even one bit? 

The week that I spent at her home I've come to know her differently. I find myself being pulled towards her by an intangible force. My hands always find a way to touch her; the soft feel of her velvet skin enticing me every second. I might be going mad. She puts on a show but inside she is as vulnerable as most people. Only she would rather be caught dead than let people know this side of her. I'm sure even her friends don't know, she is playful, funny, annoying and full of empty threats. At first I thought I can handle her until this evening when she pressed the wrong button. The guilty button. "I feel bad for your dead wife....I feel bad for your dead wife..."  that sentence couldn't get out of my head. 

I banged achingly on the tree I was leaning against as I silently listened to the bustle of the city below. This spot; Mei Lin loved to forcefully drag me here most weekends. All feelings of guilt and regret had come back when she said those words to me. I closed my eyes and huffed remembering my actions after that. The realization of what I had done. That was an image that wasn't going to leave me for the rest of my life. The shock in her eyes as she looked at me draining the life out of her with my grip. I slid down the tree clasping my fingers in form of a prayer. I wonder if she was alright. No matter how rude or blunt I am sometimes, I would never go to the point of violence. 

Meeting Leticia was the worst mistake of my life, but also trying to get to know her was the wrongs of all choices I've done. From the beginning she just brought out the worst in me. I have been neutral to all women for the past three years. She was no different than all the women I've met in the past. Why was I reacting like this abruptly? No one had seen this vulnerable side of me. It was time I put an end to this ridiculous emotions going around.

I reached in my pocket for my phone and cursed. I had left it back at her house. "I cant believe this." 

Of all days, it had to happen like this. I walked back to the main road and hailed a cab, at least I had my wallet. I told my address to the driver and sat back, bracing myself for the amount of questions my Mum was going to ask me. I unwrapped the bandage around my head and put it away; I didn't need that anymore at least. 

"Estamos aqui senor," the driver said bringing me back to reality. 

"Uh," I answered absentmindedly as I handed him my card to swipe then exited the car. 

I tried to enter the house as quietly as possible. I looked at my watch; 11:00pm, they were most probably sleeping. The lights were off but I knew my way around the house so I slowly tiptoed to my daughter's room and was surprised to hear whispered voices coming from there. I frowned and quickened my steps only to find my Mum cradling Bella in her arms and narrating a story to her. 

"Mami, why isn't B...."

"Shhhh," My Mum glared at me and I just stood there watching. After two minutes she slowly stood up and laid Bella in her bed who let out a soft sigh and turned on her side soundly. My Mum hurried to me and pulled me out of the room. "Where's your phone?" browsing my frame.

"Mom, why.."

"I've always told you to keep your phone with you, hija, Bella was in hysterics when she wanted to talk to you and you couldn't pick up." She whispered harshly.

"I'm sorry Mami, but I dropped my phone somewhere along the way," I avoided her gaze as the lie came out smoothly. 

"Did you eat, how was your trip?" She suddenly grabbed my face between her hands as the questions started. 

"I'm okay, Mom," I leant down and kissed her forehead, "Let's go to bed, I'm a bit tired. We can talk tomorrow."

"Okay hija, Goodnight." She smiled at me and turned to go to her room. 

I let out a sigh as the days events dawned on me. The dread that awaited me. I went to my room, took a warm shower and slumped on my bed, suddenly feeling better. Now I knew I shouldn't have wandered off to unventured waters. This, right here, felt just right. My eyes closed off as I drifted off to sleep. 

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