Chapter 23

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Hi everyone. sorry for late update. Been down with a strong unexplained headache. You know that kind of headache that  makes you feel like telling your family where you hid all your money? In this season, any kind of discomfort freaks you out. But I'm glad i'm feeling much better today, thanks for your patience. Cheers. 

"Finally you come down." Estella said as Sheila came downstairs, "If I didn't know better I would think something else. 

"Your friend is a man of few words," Sheila said looking at me. "But I guess where he lacks in words he makes up for it in the sack." she giggled and dropped down next to me. I gaped at her in unbelief. She was too forward. 

"Excuse me I'm eating." I said with a frown.

"Oh please, don't pretend you have never thought about it." she rolls her eyes and starts to eat. 

"You are unbelievable, of course I've never thought of anything like that." 

"Bet." she challenged me and I turned away. "I knew it. Wait, is there something going on between you?" 

"Of Course not." I said standing up with my empty plate, "I was planning to go shopping today, who's coming along?" Of Course I had no such plan but anything to get Sheila out of the house.

"Eww, it's raining." Estella protested and sheila nodded with her. 

"Yeah, to be honest, I'd rather stay indoors where it's warmer, if you know what I mean." she said wiggling her eyebrows. I just felt like giving her a slap already.

"Fine, but we have to keep it quiet down here." I gave in. 

A few minutes later, we all agreed to watch some sci fi about the end of the world and just minutes into it, my phone rang. I looked at it and rolled my eyes, this guy. 

"What?" There was some silence on the other end. He was probably searching for something to say that will torture me. 

"Come up." Before I could retort negatively he hung up. Damn you, Carlos! 

"Continue gals, I'm coming." I said and got up. 

"Lover boy?" Sheila asks.

"Have to do something." I glared at her and continued up. I pushed the door open when I reached up. He had on what, reading glasses? His eyes looked pretty fine to me. He either didn't notice or he pretended not to notice when I entered because he continued browsing through the pages he had in his hands. "What is it?" 

"I need water." he said without looking up. My hands formed fists and forced myself to stay as calm as possible.

"Mr. Morinho, who do you think I am?" 

"Does it matter?" he asked looking up at me. The glasses really changed him. He was already serious looking without them, and now he looked deadly serious. 

"Yes. It matters." 

"I would like to hear why it matters but unfortunately I don't have the privilege of time." 

"Good then. Please call Yva or whatever her name is to run errands for you. I am not your lapdog." 

"Too bad." he stood up abruptly startling me but I didn't show, "Because you Leticia Powers will do what I tell you to do." he said coming closer. Now why the heck was he moving towards me? 

"I won't do shit." I stood my ground, "And if you're planning on cashing out your threats go on."

"Well, I remember the doctor recommended enough rest and soon I'll be able to go but if I don't get enough rest, who knows, it will probably take a month to get well, so I guess this has become my permanent home." he looked at me with a smirk. Damn, he knew I wanted him out so bad.

"A new threat I see. So you plan to take over my home?" I glare at him. 

"If it comes to that." 

"You know Carlos, soon you'll be out of threats, and I impatiently await that day." 

"Now are you going to get me that water or not." he was now so close to me and that unsettled me. 

"You know you could just have said that in the phone without me having to come up twice." I glared at him one more time and turned to go. 

"Hey, not so fast." he grabbed my hand pulling me back to him. 

"Do you want the water or not?" 

"I do. But I also want this." Without saying another word his lips came down on mine. Unbelievable! I was caught off guard and stood paralysed but his lips slowly coarsed a response from mine and soon I was kissing him back and at that same moment he pulled away. "Don't forget, I prefer warm water." he said and correcting his glasses over his nose, turned and went back to sit where he had been sitting earlier. 

I stood looking in space frozen for a moment. 'I'll get you one day Carlos.' I promised myself as I turned to go.

"Gal, whatever it was, took really long." Sheila noted when they saw me coming down. 

"Just some work issues." I commented offhandedly.

"Are you sure it was just work? You look flushed." she giggled. 

"You guys continue watching, I'll just grab some water for carlos." I intentionally ignored her question and went to the kitchen. I filled a jug with warm water, grabbed a glass and headed back up.

I just entered the room and set them on the table then grabbed the plate that was there and left the room without looking at him. 

"Okay, where were we?" I said flopping in between the girls on the couch. "What, you guys already continued?"

"I thought you said we continue without you." Estella said giving me a worried look. 

"Really?" I said 

"Duh. We aren't going back for you amiga." 

"Okay, let's just continue, it's just a stupid movie." I muttered.

"What got your pants in a twist, rather who?" Sheila asked looking at me. 

"Why do you say that?"

"Girl, your mood is totally off after the visit upstairs, Estella has already told me that..."

"She has?" I asked glaring at Estella who shook her head fervently.

"Yeahhh, that he's kinda like your boss." Oh sigh!

"Oh, yeah." I said looking at Estella with gratitude. "Kinda."

"Which still brings me to the question, what kind of accident did he get himself in?" Estella asked.

"Well, I might kind of have caused it." I said slowly, unsure how to tell them. 

"How?" both girls asked. 

"Well, I might have kinda thought he was a burglar and hit him with a bottle." I winced at the last word. 

"What? How could you not know that it was him?" Estella looked at me baffled. 'Your boyfriend.' She mouthed.

"It was dark and he was banging on the door so I originally thought the worst and had to protect myself." I said defensively.

"Well if you put it like that." Sheila said, "I would totally react like you." 

"Poor Carlos." Estella said looking up. 

"Hey, you should feel sorry for me." I said looking offended. 

"Yeah, but he looks so alone. You should always be there for him." 

"How do you expect me to be there where I'm not wanted." I said sourly.

"Shut up you two." Sheila broke in, "This part is interesting, look." 

We all stopped talking and watched the movie. 

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