Chapter 40

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"Minerva, are you sure I have no message?" I asked Minerva for the umpteenth time today and she looked at me suspiciously. 

"Is there something you're not telling me?" She creased her eyebrows looking worried.

"It's just an innocent question." I said defensively entering my office. Of coarse she followed me. 

"An innocent question you've asked me for the sixth time today. Not to count yesterday." 

"Well I haven't been counting." I shrugged sitting down. 

"Are you sure everything is okay?" 

"Sure, there's a call I was expecting but if it hasn't come in yet then it's alright." I shrugged. 

"If you say so." She turned to go back, "What do you want for lunch?" 

"Let's go together today." I stood up and got my bag.

"Are you sure?" She looked suspicious.

"Can you stop with all your questions and suspicions?" I said irritated and she put her hands up and made a zip mouth sign. Who could blame her though? Since Monday I couldn't leave my office, not because I was waiting anyway, but just incase someone came in and didn't find me. 

I haven't heard from Carlos for four days. I mean not that I care. He's a grown ass man who can take care of himself. But I was angry at the fact that he had pushed this relationship and was now doing nothing about it. 

You see when I tell you break ups are easy? I just didn't want to see him anymore at this rate. Anyone would ask, well if he isn't calling why don't you call? Of coarse I called both on Tuesday and Wednesday and the phone kept ringing without anyone picking. I stopped doing that realizing he just didn't want to speak with me. 

I wasn't going to bother his family and drag them into this. I already had two people eyeing me suspiciously, three now, adding Minerva who kept stealing worried glances at me.  

"I can sense you looking at me, Minerva, stop it." I suddenly said without looking at her. 

"Okay okay, sorry." She muffled under her breath. We entered the restaurant and sat by our usual window table. 

"Bienvenidos,"  Our usual waiter greeted us. 

"Gracias" we both replied smiling back at him.

"Que comerias hoy?" 

"I'll have Albondigas and a glass of red wine please." 

"I'll go with Paella and a strawberry smoothie," Minerva said and the waiter nodded and walked away. "By the way, I've always wanted to ask." She turned to me.

"Don't ask," I put my hand up.

"Hey, it's a harmless question." 


"Why do you always have wine at lunch?" 

"It's just a glass no?" I raised my eyebrows and she shrugged. "Well, it's wine o'clock somewhere, so why not?" She seemed to think about this and nodded. 

Minutes later, our orders arrived and we dug in. Thirty minutes later, we were on our way back to the office. 

Everything continued as normal and finally it was time to go home. I rushed to finish up and leave before bumping into Arturo or anyone else. I wasn't ready for any questions. That prick didn't know what kind of dilemma he had put me into. 

I drove silently back home, showered and made dinner. Minutes later, I sat on my couch and ate silently sipping on a glass of wine at the same time. I always like to enjoy my dinner without any distractions, so anything that was going to distract me was at a distance. 

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