Chapter 45

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"I surprisingly had a great first date." I confessed as Carlos and I stood outside my door. 

"Me too." He said as he stretched out his hand. I frowned at it. "Keys." he said and I confusedly handed him my keys. He opened the door without another word and led me in.

"Wait," I protested but still followed him, "Isn't it my part to decide to invite you in after a date?" 

"Well, you delayed so I invited us in." He grinned and me and slumped down in my couch. 

"Typical you." I said crossing my arms.

"Don't do that." he whispered pointing at my crossed arms. What, now I can't cross my arms? 


"Because it's a kind of shield you use when you want to start a fight." He smiled at me and tapped next to him. I walked over.

"Well, I don't wanna fight." I said and leaned my head into him. "So, it's five days into our month agreement., what...?"

"Mi amor, I don't want to date you for a month," he said turning to look at me. "I want to date you for a long long time and I'll make sure that you'll never get tired of me."

"Well, I don't know, maybe something might happ..." He put his fingers to my lips and shook his head.

"Nothing will happen. We will date and when time comes I'll ask you to marry me then we can start a family together." He boldly confessed.

"Wow, you're so sure of yourself." 

"I'm not sure of myself." he smiled, "I'm sure about us, and I want to live everyday showing you that the future will be bright." 

"I don't know what to say." I frowned starting to feel overwhelmed. 

"Stop thinking. You don't have to say anything. I am not expecting more from you Leticia. Just you, that's all." 

"No pressure?"

"No pressure." he nodded and I don't know why but I just pulled him into me for a kiss and I wanted for it to go on as long as possible. Only our breaths stopped us as we couldn't breath anymore. "Well, well, well..." he smirked.

"Shut up." I chuckled and poked his shoulder with my finger. 

"I have to go, love." He suddenly stood up pulling me up with him. "What are you doing tomorrow?" 

"I need to finish up with some assignments tomorrow, then I'll have a few video calls with my family." 

"Hmmm, a woman with priorities." He leant towards my ear, "I love that." 

"Can you just go?" I chuckled again. I don't remember having laughed this much in one evening. 

"Right." he pulled me to him and held me so tight, "Take care of yourself." 

"You too." I squeezed him back and he suddenly let go and walked out the door. My heart felt tight in my chest. I didn't want him to go. I couldn't say it's been forever since I felt that way, I have just never felt that way, so I didn't know what to compare this feeling to. 

"Be still my heart." I rubbed my chest gently as I went upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. 


I drove home happily once in a while smiling to myself. I'm glad I had asked her out on this date. I sighed happily in a dreamlike state and didn't notice the red light until it was too late. 

The loud honking of the big truck brought me to my current time and I immediately stepped on the brakes making the car skid then suddenly stopped on the other side of the road. 

I sighed in relief and started the car again but another car was barreling towards me at a first speed. One moment I was frowning in confusing, another moment, my car was flipping on the road. 

What the hell had happened? In my shocked state I heard more loud honks and then sirens. I looked out the window to check but the cracked window glass couldn't allow me a clear view. 

I closed my eyes as tears rolled down my face, but wait, why would tears come from my chest towards my neck then down my face? I was upside down, I touched the liquid substance and then slipped into unconsciousness. 


"Oh shhhh." My loud ringtone woke me up from my wonderful sleep. Without bothering to open my eyes, I stretched out my hand towards the sound and automatically answered. "This better be good." 

There was silence on the other end. I granted and hang up. The phone rang again and this time I got up irritated but was taken aback to see the caller ID. Constanza. 

I looked at the time, hell no. Midnight calls were never good calls. I hesitated to answer my heart beating painfully against my chest. 

"H..H..Hello, Constanza?" I answered in a whisper and what I had heard as silence the first time was actually whispered sniffles. Please no. 

"Leticia, could you please come to the International Hospital?" 

"Are you okay? Did something happen?" I was already up looking through my clothes for something to throw on. 

"It's Carlos." My phone dropped and I stood transfixed in one place. Oh shit. I looked around for the phone then picked it up. 

"Umm, I think I heard wrong. Is Carlos okay?" I asked.

"No dear, it was an accident." Accident? When? How? We were together just yesterday. I hang up and sat on my bed. Carlos better not be pulling my leg or something like that. Accident? 

I shook my head and got my car keys then drove to the hospital. At the counter I asked for Carlos Morinho and they directed me to the VIP Wing. Before I arrived, "Miss Powers," I turned and Bella flew into my arms. 

"Hi, love." I said lifting her up, it felt so natural. 

"Abuela says Papa is sick in that room, but I can not see him." She said, "I did not see Papa yesterday. I miss him." She pouted her lips and I felt my heartstrings being pulled. 

"Leticia, you're here." I looked at Constanza and my eyes widened at her disheveled look. What in the heck was really going on? 

I went to her and hugged her. "What's going on?" I asked dreading the answer. 

"Bella dear, can you go with that nice nurse for a while?" Constanza pointed at a nurse who was coming towards us and the little girl ran over to her. Constanza looked at me.

"Please tell me." I pleaded with her.

"He almost died." She whispered, "I almost lost my child, Leticia." The older woman sat down and cried in her hands. I lifted a shaky hand and patted her back. "The police said he ran a red light at 11pm," Wait what? 11pm? He had just left my house. "He missed a truck but unfortunately another car knocked his driver's side and sent his car spinning." 

With every word she said, my heart was cracking and cracking. Did I really want to listen to this? Did I want to stay? 

You see, this is what I had thought about last night. What if people didn't break up wishfully, but nature forced them to break up? Then what?  

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