Chapter 33

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"Ahhhhh," I woke up startled at the noise then looked around my dark living room to find the culprit. My eyes landed on my phone that lay on the table. I grunted when I realized my alarm was still set for 6am. It's been a week now and every time I promise to change it it skips my mind. I can't say I've gotten used to it, even though every time it rings I never return back to sleep. I realize I've put off a lot of things for a week now. 

Confronting that man, changing the sheets in my bedroom, returning everything to its original spot and sending back all his stuff that were here. I wonder how someone can drop off the face of the earth entirely without a trace. All along I had thought our gadgets were as important as our office, right? But he had left, his phone, laptop and everything. Wasn't all his work in there? 

I'm sure he was cowardly hiding with his tail between his legs, afraid to face me. Once in a while I couldn't help but wonder what I would do if I laid eyes on him again. I was both embarrassed and apprehensive. I had let my mouth take charge of my brain when I was always so rational in some things. 

"Get up Leticia," I said to myself and after a thorough look around the living room, I folded my covers and walked upstairs to get ready for the day. 

"Buenos Dias," I smiled at Minerva who rushed towards me and started filling me in on the days schedule. 

"By the way, are you reading motivational books these days?" I looked up at her question.

"No, why?"

"Well, just asking," she shrugged, "This week you seem to come in super early, you're always on time."

"Is that bad?" 

"Well, no, I'm just starting to get used to the new you."

"I'm starting to get used to me myself dear friend," I smiled at her and sat down commencing my job. "I don't want to be disturbed, unless it's an emergency," I smiled at her then looked back down. 

She nodded anxiously and left my office. It had been like this for a week, I just found myself just saying greetings to her then concentrating on my work until lunch then returning to work until it's time to go home. 

Hours in, my door suddenly bursts open and I look up angrily to find a furious Arturo stomping towards me. He shoves his phone in front of my eyes showing me a picture. My face betrays no emotion as I look at it then glance causally at him. 

"Are you just going to look at me or there's an explanation to this?" He asks his teeth clenched.

"Arturo, that's none of your business." I frown at him. 

"This explains your mood this week, now." He says partly to himself.

"Excuse me?"

"You think we haven't noticed? You walking around oblivious to everything the whole day?"

"We?" I'm still confused. 

"Stop playing dumb Leticia, this isn't you." He glares at me, "Did you break up because of this?" 

"Arturo seriously I don't know what you're talking about. That is just a picture, it shouldn't mean anything." I shrug

"A picture of your boyfriend kissing another woman, Leticia, it should mean something." He shouted suddenly making me jump. "If you don't tell me, I'm heading straight to find Mourinho and I'm beating the information out of him," Well Good Luck with that.

"It hasn't come to that," I sighed, "You know me and relationships, they just don't work. We broke up, he moved on, that's what I can tell you." 

"Then why are you sad? Did you love him?"

"What?" I shouted, "What nonsense are you talking about?" I asked ridiculously. 

"Estella pointed out your mood and I felt bad for not noticing when I see you everyday. Did he cheat on you with Sheila when he was staying at your house?" 

"Of coarse not, Sheila would never do that. She just played along for me to admit that he was my boyfriend."

"Then why did you break up?" He asked earnestly making me flinch. What was I to tell him? 


"We never broke up," We both suddenly turned at the man leaning against the door amusedly. I glared. How was this funny? And who the hell did he think he was to just disappear and show up just like that? Different emotions went through me as I glanced murderously at him. 

"So you're cheating on my friend?" Arturo asked fully facing Morinho. 

"I wouldn't call that cheating," he shrugged.

"Carlos that's enough. Arturo listen to me?" I looked pleadingly at Carlos who was smiling. 

"We never dated to start with." He grinned at me, "Did we, Leticia?" I stared transfixed at this man. How cruel could someone be? "I told you I hate lies and despite giving you enough time to come clean you did not," he continued causing havoc, "Your life choices reflect on your business choices as well. I cannot expect good results and growth from someone like you in my company. Meaning I put my company in jeopardy because of the likes of you." He said all this not even moving an inch. 

"You never dated?" Arturo looked at me in betrayal, "Leticia, for you I was willing to make a friend and a partner in Morinho and it was all a lie? Do you know how much I had to work so your relationship couldn't fail putting our company in trouble?" 

"For godsake, what has all this got to do with the company?" I suddenly shouted. "We all worked hard for this. What does relationship have to do with work? I just needed your girlfriend off my back because she was over snooping and putting her nose in my private life, okay?" 

"What?" I turned to see Estella, heavens, what the hell was she doing here? "I thought I was helping a friend. 

"By forcing me to be in a relationship?" I had lost it and at the moment I didn't care. "Well news flash, not all people need relationships to be happy, I'm sorry if I burdened you with my sadness and misery of being single okay?" I looked around the room, "Well, fine I lied, I apologise," I looked at Morinho, "Happy now? But for you all to stand there and start judging and connecting my relationship choices to my business choices, that is a low blow. Excuse me." I grabbed my bag and charged out of the office.  

"Leticia..." I ignored Minerva as I sped towards the elevator. I was too flustered to face anyone at the moment. I rapidly pressed the elevator doors and a sigh of relief escaped me as the doors closed shut without disturbance. 


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