Chapter 39

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I stood outside the door as I heard the echoing sound of the doorbell. This is the second time I pressed it and no answer yet. I remember standing at another door yesterday anxiously waiting outside. My hands went to my forehead making sure my bangs were covering my little scratch from yesterday. I didn't want questions yet. 

The door suddenly opened and I immediately presented wine, beef cuts and flowers as a peace offering. 

"Let me in please?" I said looking down, the offerings speaking for me. I felt them being taken out of my hand and I looked up in relief at an angry Arturo who immediately banged the door back in my face leaving me empty handed. "C'mon." I groaned. 

"Get your ass off my property." I heard him shout through the door. 

"Arturo...please pretty please. I didn't really lie to you guys."

"What do you mean?" 

"Can you let me in first, I'll explain everything." I crossed my fingers waiting and finally he opened. "Thanks?" 

"Shut up and come in." he glared at me. I entered and looked around, my gaze searching, "She'll be down in a minute." He answered my curiosity.

I went and sat down, "Are we opening the wine?" I grinned hopefully at him. 

"Not until everything is cleared." He sat opposite me crossing one leg over the other. Arturo was rarely upset with me, but whenever he was, I didn't like this side of him. 

"And who do we have here?" Estella said sarcastically coming into the room. I immediately stood up to go over to her, "Uh Uh, your looks aren't going to do it this time." She lifted a hand to stop me. 

I sat back down in defeat. "Okay, I'll begin by apologizing." I sighed. "I'm sorry for lying to you guys okay? And Stella, sorry for saying it the way I did, I wanted to say it nicer."

"Oh, you meant to call me a snooping bitch, right?" Estella said facing me.

"Hey, not like that." I said defensively, "I wanted to tell you to stop with the blind dates but I wanted to say it nicely, okay?" 

Estella glared at me and huffed, "You know I just wanted the best for you, right?" 

"Of coarse, you've always wanted the best for me. And I'm grateful but none of them have worked so far." 

"That's because of your unbelief in relationships." She countered.

"Well, that should have been enough for you to stop setting me up, no?" 

"So, you're saying it's my fault?" Estella stared at me.

"Enough." Arturo interfered, "What's serious here is that you had to lie about our new business partner." I winced. "The fact that he continued with the merger despite that trick you pulled is a   miracle in itself." 

"I know, and I regret everything I did." I looked down. 

"So, what did you mean you didn't really lie? Where is the truth in all this?" 

"Well, he kind of asked me to give our relationship a try." I said awkwardly. 

"A relationship that never existed?" He raised his eyebrows at me.

"It's not like there was nothing between us," I whispered, "There was something from the moment we met, we just didn't want to acknowledge it." 

"So, what's this, a love at first sight tale?" Arturo sneered. 

"Can you all not be so hard on me?" I got defensive. This was the only way to get them to forgive me. "It's something I've really tried to avoid but I guess I have no way out. I'm going to give the relationship a try." I decided.

"And then you're gonna fuck it up, and we won't have a company to run anymore when Morinho sues our asses."

"Arturo," Estella shouted at him. "What the hell?" 

"Well, I'm just saying it as it is." He threw his hands in the air.

"You know what," Estella said looking at me, "I support you. I'll back you up to make sure this works." 

"Don't encourage her." Arturo said.

"But first, to settle my mistrust for you, call Carlos now. I need to ask him myself." I stared at her in disbelief. Was she kidding me? "No, I'm not kidding." Her gaze didn't waver. 

"Fine, after you call him I'll get that bottle of wine." Arturo said. 

I sat back remembering yesterday, after leaving Carlo's bedroom hand in hand. Constanza had been beside herself with worry checking me from head to toe to make sure I was okay. I had laughed it off and told her I was surely okay. 

I had stayed for a while and after some evening tea, Carlos had led me to my car and with a last breathtaking kiss had bid me farewell. My fingers unconsciously went to my smiling lips. Then that evening he had called claiming Constanza was pressuring him to call me to make sure I had arrived safely. 

After a short word exchange we had hang up. "Something funny?" I suddenly returned to the now to find two pairs of eyes looking at me. I shook my head and dialed the number. He picked at the second ring, "Loud speaker." Arturo said making me roll my eyes.

"I didn't expect this, miss me already?" Carlos's voice breathed through making Estella gasp a grin forming on her lips. I rolled my eyes again. 

"It's not actually like that." I said hesitantly. 

"It's alright, you can say it. I'm working but wouldn't mind being distracted by you." 

"Umm, well I..." 

"Give me a minute, I'll be over there in 5." I heard shuffling noise.

"No..No. I mean you don't have to leave your work." Then suddenly he was laughing. 

"I would give anything to see your face right now." He continued laughing, what was so funny? "Don't worry love," what love? hey. "I know you're at Arturo's house. Say hello to them for me." 

"What? How did you know?" I said flabbergasted. 

"Haha, you don't expect me to have no idea what my love is doing, right? Have a great time." He said and hang up. 

"Hello, hey." I looked at my silent phone.

"Now that's what I'm talking about." Estella said moving her hands around with every word. 

"So, it's true." Arturo said, "Great, let's drink." 

"Guys, doesn't anyone care that he's having me followed?" I protested and Arturo shrugged. 

"He's just making sure you're safe." He grinned at me, "Now that guarantees my company's safety." 

I fell back on the couch still in disbelief. Is this how it was going to be, him knowing my every move? Suddenly I didn't feel safe anymore. 

"Here we go." Estella said setting down beef cuts, crackers, cheese and three glasses as Arturo opened the wine. 

"I lost my appetite." I declared. 

"Oh, no you don't, here." Arturo handed me a glass, "We forgive you." He said grinning at me and kissed my cheek. Estella nodded and ran over to me.

"I missed you." She said squeezing me and giving me a resounding kiss. 

I decided to tackle Carlos later. At the moment, my friends seemed happy and I wasn't going to rain on their happiness. 

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