Chapter 10

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"Bye bye." My eyes widened and I immediately lowered my head. There was no way in the world this could be happening, but well it was. I looked critically at my phone and pretended to be busy. Suddenly I felt a presence looming above me and out of curiosity I looked up.

"How do you know my daughter?" Carlos Morinho asked in his usual rude way. Where did the girl he was holding go anyway?

"I don't know what you are talking about." I looked at him then looked out.

"My daughter waved at you and said bye, why?" I looked up at him, gosh, I hate it when people stood way over me, I stood up although it didn't help much but it felt better.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?"

"Ohhh, date gone wrong?" we both turned to look at Antonio and his uncomfortable date.

"Do I have to tell you to mind your business everytime?" I turned on him

"Oh no, I just wanted to say goodbye, we are leaving." he smiled at both of us. "Let's go baby."

"Good riddance." I muttered then turned to Mr. Morinho with a raised eyebrow, "And what are you waiting for?"

"I see there is no point in having a civilized conversation with you." he scowled at me.

"Papa." The little green eyed bundle came and attached herself like a Koala on his leg then started swinging back and forth. Oh my Mother, I am witnessing a miracle. Mr. Morinho's posture immediately softened as he bent down to pick the little girl who suddenly let go and avoiding his hands, ran to me clutching my leg through my long dress, oh no. I swallowed awkwardly and looked up at the man who looked on in amusement, this wasn't fun at all.

"Up up up." The little girl looked at me offering her hands. ummm no, thank you. I wasn't used to kids and I was not going to carry one right now. No. no. Uh uh. Not happening. I looked up at Mr. Pigheaded but he looked on still amused.

"I see my family is attracted to you." The lady from earlier appeared again out of nowhere. Family? So he was now married to this woman? But she looked way older than him. What was wrong with young men today?

"C'mon, Princess, vino con abuela." The little girl ran from me to her Grandma, touching her father on the way. 

Grandma? Crap, there goes my big mind again, profiling too much. I felt embarrassed for being judgemental, believe me nothing good came from being judgemental.

"Okay, good talk. bye." I said and proceeded to sit down.

"I wasn't done talking." Mr. Morinho said.

"But I'm done." I scowled up at him.

"Carlos, leave the young lady alone." The older woman rebuked him then turned to me with a smile, "Sorry dear, he's a bit grumpy to night."

"Oh only tonight?" I asked with mild sarcasm and the lady laughed.

"By the way, pardon our manners, we probably spoilt your date night. I'm Constanza, this is my grand daughter Bella and..."

"We know eachother already Mother." Mr. Morinho interrupted her.

"Oh you do?" the lady seemed to pick even more interest and she pulled her grand daughter and they both sat down opposite me leaving Mr. Morinho standing there with a frown. "So, what do you think of my son."

"Mother, we are leaving now." Oh, for the first time ever I was so happy with the words that came from his mouth.

"Yes, bye bye." I put on a big smile and waved with exaggeration.

"But..." his mother started then whispered something in her grand daughter's ears.

"Papá, no quiero ir." I looked wide eyed at the conniving old lady and her grand daughter. Mr. Morinho with a scalding gaze towards his mother, bent down to lift his daughter in his arms.

"Pumpkin, do you want me to read you a story?" he asked the girl in the softest voice ever, who nodded,  "Then lets go home, okay?" she nodded again and with a yawn leant into her dad. "Lets go." he gazed once at his mother then at me and walked away.

"Bye my dear. I hope I can see you again." Mrs. Morinho smiled genuinely at me.

'Umm, why?' I almost said but well, better to be polite. "Alright. bye." I kept my smile until the lady disappeared too then leant back with a sigh. That was the most awkward time alone I have ever had. I didn't want another glass of wine, I just wanted to go home. I looked at the time and it was 9:15pm, time to go. I stood up and dropping the bill and tip on the table, I went out of the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, I got into my car and went home.

"Honey I'm home." I shouted when I arrived home. Soft music was playing. I removed my shoes and followed the music to see where it was coming from. Estella was in the bathtub relaxing with eyes closed. I tiptoed slowly and sat at the edge of the bathtub. "Boo." I shouted loudly making her scream as she fully immersed herself in the bathtub.  She then popped her head out and pulled me all in along with her. It was my turn to shout as I got wet from my head save for my legs that remained outside the tub. "Ahhh, my dress." I screamed glaring at her.

"Karma is a bitch." she said with an evil laugh.

"I'll get you back," I warned, "Pray you never find me with a bucket of water any where."

"Girl, I should be the one threatening you. You scared the shit out of me." she said and got out from the tub then helped me out too. "So, how was it?" she wiggled her eyebrows as she removed a towel and tied it around her body then another one and tied it around her head.

"Superb." I grumbled as I got up, found a towel and dried my hair first then removed my dress.

"Cool, let's go to your bedroom and you tell me how it went." she said excitedly. "Did you ask him the questions I gave you?"

"Very personal but yes." I said.

"Good, so is he qualified?" she asked and jumped on the bed.

"Qualified for what?"

"To be your boyfriend Ofcoarse."

"We haven't reached that part yet." I said sitting on my vanity table then opened the make up remover and started cleaning off my make up. "And to be honest,  I think we are not going to go on another date."

"What?" she shouted throwing a pillow at me that hit my head with a thump. I glared at her. "Why?" she asked.

"Because, first of all, he has a child, second of all, he's rude and third..."

"Enough with the excuses." she cut me off. "If we always look for excuses then we will never find love."

"Who talked about finding love?" I muttered. 

"Well, I want you to find love Letty, I want to be able to relate with you on that level where we can meet and gush over or grumble about our boyfriends or husbands."

"That is not going to happen, girl." I glared at her. But she was already rolling on the bed and growling inside a pillow. I smiled knowing tomorrow she will be the happiest woman ever. I got out my phone and read the plan in the text that Arturo had sent me. Well, atleast someone will have a happy ending, Ofcoarse if they don't break up along the way. Who knows.

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