Chapter 4

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Right, since I got no comment 😭😭, the show must go on. But on the other hand, thanks for reading. I'll be updating three to four times a week. Much love 😘

So, as I had already explained in the beginning that I loved handsome guys and I was in no way against relationships. People can have all the relationships they want but the thing is in the end, they are going to break up and it's going to hurt really really bad. I mean, I haven't experienced it, but I've read about it in books, I've watched it in movies and believe me when I say, I felt what those people felt that moment of the break up. Now, try to imagine how many times my heart has broken from reading and watching those break up moments, or the times I have imagined it happening to me? So, go ahead have your relationships, I'm in no way here to stop you.

Let me expound more on this issue. When I see a handsome guy and I really really like him, I would get to know his name and after that I would start imagining a relationship with him, creating all these scenarios in my head and when we maybe get in a relationship, it becomes really hard for me to let him go after all the scenes I created because it would feel like I have known him for a long time. Because believe me in my head, we date with this guy for years, get married, have kids and then maybe grow old, that is if he hasn't cheated along the way. So now do you get it? No? Right, Let's go back to the party.

Mateo's pants vibrate and he puts his hand in his pocket and  come out with a phone, with a small apologetic smile towards me he slides his thumb across the phone and his eyes run over the screen then puts the phone back in his pocket. "I'm sorry. I have to leave now." he says slowly and I step back with a smile.

"See you on Monday at work." I say to him and he gives me a big smile and turns and walks away. I look around and my two friends are engrossed in each other, another groan can't help but escape my lips but then a glass of wine appears before me. I think I need a cuddle.

"A drink?" a masculine voice asks. My eyes gleam as I look at the glass then at the guy who stood before me. I was a little tipsy Of coarse but number one, tomorrow was Saturday, number two, drinking gave me something to do and number three the structure of the man that stood before me was the epitome of hot. I finally smiled and took the glass with a small thanks. "You're a beautiful woman." he complimented.

Duh. I wanted to say but my conscious reminded me to be polite, "Thanks. You too."

"Really? Thanks. I've never been called beautiful before." he laughed making me shiver. I quickly glanced over at my friends who were about to have another serious make out session on the dance floor. Damn this man was hot, I couldn't even look him in the eyes. 'You'll never have him anyway,' stupid brain. I shake my head knowing pretty well I can't continue to think like this every time I see an attractive man.

"Well, I...Umm." Yes, that was me stuttering. Me, Leticia Powers, boldest woman on planet earth, being tongue tied.

"Oh Sorry, I didn't introduce myself," he came to my rescue and extended his right hand, "Martin Gonzalez, of Apartamentos González. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Oh yeah, me too." I managed to reply politely. "I'm..."

"Leticia Powers," he cut me off, "I know who you are. I've been informed. I work alongside with Shuqiao and now I belong to you too." He spread his arms carelessly and his left hand came to settle on my cheek then he looked at my face and continued, "I mean I belong to your company as well." He grinned. That make me relax a bit as I took a step away letting his hand fall, but I wondered, why was it that most men look handsome before they open their mouths to speak? My crush on him had disappeared in a big puff of smoke as I looked straight at him.

"Well," I said with a smile, "Welcome to our company." I clinked glasses with him and took a sip. Maybe you are going to say I'm too uptight and had a set of rules but my liking for men stopped within. I never showed it and I've never expressed any of my stupid loving emotions with men. And no, I've never gone beyond making out with all my exes. Because of my mistrust in relationship, I always felt that it would be doom for me if I slept with a guy then we broke up. I would feel violated, so better not to, and also, yes call me naive, I believe in sex before marriage, which of coarse in my case is never going to happen.

"Would you like to dance with me?" Oh he was still here? Mr. Somebody, who? My brain was trying to work it out trust me. Mr. Yes, Gonzalez asked.

"Ummm," I was starting to get light headed and I don't think the idea of twirling and grinding and hoping on the dance floor would be wise. But who said I was ever wise on some things? "Sure." We hand our glasses to a passing waiter, I put my hand in his and as we walk to the dance floor, who can guess who can guess, I know y'all going to guess wrong, but anyway;

"Sorry, Mr. Gonzalez but we have a meeting in two minutes." Arturo cuts in and politely smiles. What Arturo knew Gonzalez already? Without waiting for an answer he takes my hand and we walk towards a different direction.

"What you know him?" I ask trying my best to glare at Arturo but fail because apparently when I'm tipsy, I can never successfully be mad.

"Yes, Estella told me about him and as we were at the table we heard women talking about him. Not good things. He's a pervert."

"Are you kidding me?" I ask in unbelief, "Well, if you ask me, I'm a pervert too. So we probably deserve each other."

"Don't be silly." He says as we reach where Estella was.

"Girl I'm sorry. I didn't know who he truly was until I heard the girls talking." Estella ran to me and held both my hands.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask confused.

"Well, because maybe he is the date I had set you up with tonight?" She said giving me puppy eyes.

"Awww, I think this is the best thing you've done so far." I hugged her laughing .

"Okay you are drunk." She said pulling me to sit down in one of the couches that felt super comfortable that my brain only knew one word at the moment,sleep.

"No, I'm not. He's a pervert, that means he's not serious about relationships, that's what I want." I stammered sleepily.

"Okay, I'm drunk, you're drunk and we live on different streets." Estella said looking at Arturo. They both knew I hated sleeping in other people's houses because I felt less in control.

"I'll take her back to her place." A voice suddenly said. "You two can go ahead."

"Are you sure?" Estella and Arturo sounded surprised.

"It's not a bother, her house isn't far from mine." The person assured them.

"Sorry to ask Sir," Estella said cautiously, "But how do you know where she stays?"

"Trust me. I know." It's like as he talked I was seeing him in my mind. But anyway, Arturo could never let anyone harmful come near me.

"It's fine babe," I heard Arturo assure Estella. "Let's leave at once."

"Alright, let's go." I suddenly stood up startling the three people. "What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, "You all think I can't take care of myself?"

"It's not like that..." Estella and Arturo said at the same time.

"Obviously." I turned with a scowl to look at the accuser.

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