Chapter 29

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Happy Mother's Day to all Ladies. We are all Mothers in one way or another. 


After almost three years of blaming myself for the death of my wife. I have never moved on, the guilt just won't let me, despite my Mother's nagging. I let Shuiqiao company to continue operating even without my supervision because my wife had recruited a really competent stuff.

I have always been a family man and wasn't the kind to work late and forget my family. I always had time for them, and made sure we ate lunch and dinner together.

That wasn't the case anymore. I avoided my family sometimes just to try and make peace with myself. My daughter reminded me so much of my wife and the house too, which once had memories of me growing up now reminded me of how Mei Lin had changed it to her liking.

To top it all, I had to avoid the pressure that my Mother put on me to find a Mom for my daughter.

I had no plan of that happening, so I had made myself so busy, until recently when the Acting Head of Shuiqiao had sent to me his resignation letter explaining that he was moving to Canada.

I didn't know the Company much and I was forced to stay there for a week and check how things were being run. To be sincere I wasn't into real Estates, so I had never taken my time to bother about it.

The Company needed to continue running even without me, so I contacted my lawyer, Mateo Hernandez.

He advised me to merge the Company with another promising real Estate Company and I will just be checking the progress.

So he looked up companies and came up with Good Zone Real Estates, which was a five years old company owned by two people. I then asked him to arrange a meeting which he did.

The day had started really great with my daughter asking me to go out with her on Friday and then we had arrived for the meeting only to be met with excuses about the slothful partner.

"Can we start already without your partner, I don't have another minute to waste." I growled at the weary looking man seated before of me.

"Patience, Carlos," Mateo said.

"She'll be here in a minute," The Partner, Arturo Pratt assured me.

A woman? My nose flared, I don't do business with women.

Then the door opened in that moment and I heard two pairs of heels entering.

"Good morning, Gentlemen," I heard a cheerful greeting. I didn't even bother to turn, it was too cheerful for my liking.

"Good Morning Miss Powers. Please sit down, we will go straight to the point," Mateo said with a smile standing and then she appeared in my vision.

My breath was knocked out of me so suddenly in that I realised it too late that I was staring. She looked, so confident, so beautiful and so sexy? Gosh no, I wasn't going to think of another woman in that way.

But I caught myself and made my mind return to the issue at hand.

"You are thirty minutes and twenty two seconds late." I said looking straight in her bright eyes.

"Okay, Can we now start?" She replied with a sweet smile then I knew she had done all this intentionally.

After that I didn't say anything more but let Mateo speak. I kept looking at her and had the urge to know more about her.

I had never felt like this before since my wife.

I heard them agree but my mind was painfully far away, and when they all showed signs of the meeting being over, I stood up without a word and walked out of the room.

"What was that?" Mateo found me later downstairs waiting inside the car.

"Nothing," I stared at him daring him to say otherwise, and knowing him Of coarse he pushed the topic.

"That didn't look like nothing, Carlos,"

"I hate people who never keep time,"


"And I don't do business with women."

"See, this is one of the reason why I refused to tell you about her, but hey, you can't deny that she's one hell of a woman."

"Yes, one hell of an annoying woman," I agreed.

"I didn't mean it like that but, whatever man, I have to dance with her during the formal merger party," he said excitedly.

"I'm having second thoughts about this merge,"

"C'mon, You think because there's a woman this company can't handle a bigger one? For godsake they have been running it for five years and their books looked great and neat."

"Let's just go, I have work to do," I grumbled.

"You're such a grump, I regret driving you here, man," Mateo said eyeing me.

I didn't bother to reply him, instead I looked out the window with a plan already forming in mind.

At the office I called my private investigator Orlando and gave him that annoying woman's name. He replied back that he will send me her information in a few day's time.

"That's long, I want something now," I said.

"Alright boss, I'll just give you a hint, she lives alone in the Bella Vistas apartments, currently single and..."

"Okay, forward to me the rest," I cut him off. Her life seemed normal I guess, but still.

The evening of the party arrived and I unwillingly went because of course currently the Shuqiao company had no CEO, so I had to grudgingly represent. When that Arturo Pratt called me to the stage; I don't know, to say something, I was even more maddened by that.

I hated public speeches, I hated talking at all. The only person I enjoyed talking with was my daughter. I said something then got off the stage as fast as I had come not minding about the stares.

My eyes followed that annoying woman and I regretted the merge by every minute. She was drinking non-stop and flirting with different men. Did my wife ever do this during some of her company dinners and lunches?

The thought of her made me groan painfully and I shook my head to clear it, there is no way I could compare the two women.

I was still thinking what a flirt she is when her partner came and took her by the hand after saying something to Gonzalez. Where they together? I furrowed my eyebrows at the thought.

Then she was definitely worse than I had thought. Flirting with someone else with your boyfriend around?

I saw Arturo lead her to some corner where there was another woman who looked nervous. Was something wrong? I involuntarily moved to see what the problem was and when I found out I even got more angry.

I didn't know this woman and just the thought of her made me extremely mad.

They were wondering how she would go home since she was drunk although she denied it. I found myself offering to take her to her home, explaining that I lived in her neighborhood.

She was so annoying that she acted like a child the whole way home and after I had dropped her off, I promised myself, never again.

Days later, Orlando sent her information and I was stunned at what I read. Indeed she was single because she kept jumping from one relationship to another, Orlando had lost count. What the hell was she?

I went to her office to confront her because I wasn't sure anymore if such a person could handle the responsibility of a bigger company. She was not competent at all and that had confirmed it when I forgot my phone in her office and when I returned to pick it I found her running around with her secretary.

I promised myself that I will not even try to discuss office matters with her so I chose to trust Arturo fully and I haven't been disappointed so far. 

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