Chapter 19

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Holla chicas y chicos.

"Are you coming in or not?" I opened my eyes and glared at the pyjama dressed specimen standing before me.

"I'm already in." I speak calmly thankful for the time I had to cool down.

"I can see that." he says and cocks his head to one side. "So what are you doing sitting on the floor?"

"I need to pee." I suddenly stand up and rush to the bathroom. Minutes later I come out feeling relieved. "How did you change the locks on my house?" I asked going to sit on the couch. I wasn't even going to try to urgue with him, rather I was going to try to reason with him and like the grown up that he is, he will understand my view of everything. 

"Very easy." he shrugged and slowly mirrored my action by sitting opposite me.

"So, what are you doing in my house?"

"I can't stay in the hospital. I don't like anything there."

"And so you decided to break into my house."

"If you put it like that." he shrugged and leant back, putting his feet over my lovely pristine glass table. I almost moaned.

"You need to understand that I can't let you stay here." I calmly said like I was approaching a wounded bear. "I don't know what you thought by coming here but you have to either go back to the hospital or find another place to stay."

"I prefer here." he said and like it was his final decision, stood up, "I'm tired, I need some rest."

"You're tired?" I glared unbelievably, "Well I'm tired of... hey, where do you think you're going?" I followed him as he entered my bedroom and as I reached the door, he banged it in my face. I turned the lock and the door opened. My pink bedsheets were no were to be seen and on the bed was laid dark blue velvet sheets. I don't believe this. "What's going on here?"

"What does it look like?" he said slumping on the bed and glancing up at me with all the seriousness in the world. He was actually seriously taking over my house. I started to panic. I only had one bedroom. What was I going to do? I considered going to Arturo and Estella's house but what would I tell them?

I looked at the person lying calmly in my bed. I walked closer slowly. He seemed to be asleep already. I started getting ideas. I could suffocate him with a pillow. I thought as my eyes wondered towards a pillow. Or I could hit him again on the head, surely another blow could kill him this time. I looked at his head, the top still tied with a white plaster. I stood now closer and my hands were really itchy. His face seemed so innocent as the long lashes he didn't deserve laid perfectly over his cheeks. I bent closer to have a closer look at him. When his eyes were closed like this, one could never tell how evil he really is. I squinted my eyes and brought my fingers closer but was stopped in the process as Carlos suddenly opened his eyes and pulled me down then rolled and I ended up lying beneath him.

"Whatever thoughts you have, perish them." he said in his commanding voice.

"I don't have any thoughts." I said glaring at him.

"Good, because you wouldn't want to be on my bad side than you already are." he said and pulled himself off me then pushed me off the bed landing myself with a thud.

"You know if you weren't vulnerable right now, I would...."

"You would what?" he glanced at me.

"Forget it, I'm hungry." I said and walked out of the room. The day was still young. I usually had my dinner before 8 and it was just 6. I went to the kitchen to make a light snack. I wonder if that guy had eaten. Should I ask him? But if I did he will think I care and he will want to stay longer.

But on the other hand if I keep being mean to him, he will leave my house ASAP. Good enough I didn't know how to take care of sick people because personally I never got sick, so I didn't know what exactly to do. I made a quick peanut butter sandwich and made some fresh orange juice then went to my living room and placed them down. I started to eat and my eyes involuntarily wandered to my bedroom door. 'Fine.'

I stood up and opened the door again and peeped in, "Hey, are you hungry?"

"Get out."

I swear on my own name that this guy is going to die by my hand some day. Totally by mistake because I would be too angry to control my actions.

I closed the door without a word and went back and enjoyed my sandwich while I pressed my phone.

Twenty minutes later a knock sounded on the door and after a moment pause, I went and opened it.

"Hello." A lady greeted me excitedly. I smiled.

"Can I help you?" I asked.

"Oh yes Please, I'm here to see Carlos Morinho." Hell nah.. This wasn't a visiting house.

"And who are you?" I was totally not going to be nice if they thought my house was anything other than a private, modest house.

"None of your business, Come in Yva." Carlos appeared out of nowhere and pushing me out of the way, he let the lady in. She had packages in her arms that I hadn't noticed earlier.

"I hope I don't have to remind you that this is my house." I said looking at both of them. The lady looked back at me apologetically but Carlos continued leading her to my kitchen.

"How's your head now?" she asked him.

"Just some numb pain is all." he replied.

I went to sit back in my couch and continued pressing my phone.

"Do you want me to check it?" she asked

"That won't be necessary. Here, put these in the fridge and I'll make these for dinner." I hope they didn't fill my fridge with anything stupid because they would find it thrown out the next morning.

"How's it here? Is it comfortable?" she asked. Was she stupid? Ofcoarse it was comfortable.

"It's okay." he said and I could picture him shrugging.

"If you say so. Here, let me help cut up these." What the heck were they even cutting up? I hope they cut their fingers too. They better finish quickly because I want to make my dinner. I looked at my watch and scowled.

Thirty minutes later, the lady, Yva? What kind of name was that anyway? came in the living room and stood before me. "Hey, dinner is ready, wanna eat with us?" I would rather die.

"I just ate, but thanks." I said looking at her. She was so pretty, but too flat. I guess he liked them like that.

"Oh, okay then." she smiled and went back to the kitchen. They probably were eating from the kitchen table. Whatever. It smelled nice though and my stomach couldn't conceal the growl. 'Stupid stomach.' I continued pressing my phone and kept an open ear.

"Thanks Yva, that was so sweet." Carlos said and I heard the clattering of plates and curtlery.

"You know it's nothing, right? Anything for you." Gag..why don't you make out already. I couldn't see what they were doing but I could Imagine them looking lovingly at eachother. I rolled my eyes and got up.

"If you're done, I want to use the kitchen." I said to them as they hang the things to dry. Carlos stood there like he was the most homely man ever. He looked at me once and turned away.

"Oh, Ofcoarse. We are done." Yva replied, "I knew you would be hungry later so I put some food aside for you." why was she so nice?

"No Thanks. I prefer to make my own food." she was in my house and keeping food for me?

"C'mon Yva." Carlos took her by the hand and left the kitchen with her. Good riddance.

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