Chapter 9

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Right. So I was all dressed up and sitting in my car wondering what I was going to do next. I had a mission to fulfil tonight and if it wasn't for that, I would have sat in my car and dozed off. Estella had to notice my headlights when I return. Finally I made a decision to go out to a restaurant with less people, today being a Friday, everyone was out. I couldn't go to a local restaurant because I was over dressed. So, I decided to go to Los besos de Ángel Restaurant, known for its exquisite dining area and secretiveness, but first, I had to make a reservation first, even if it was not always full, it was only formal that I make one.

"¿Los besos de Ángel Restaurant, cómo podemos ayudarte?" a voice answered on the first ring.

"Hola. I would like to make a reservation for one person, please." I said.

"One, person, okay. What time please?"

"Umm, in 15 minutes from now, and can I get a quiet and cozy area in the restaurant, please?" 

"Sure madame, your reservation has been made."

"Thanks a lot." I said and hang up then drove out of my home.

I parked my car in the driveway few minutes later and got out. There were no people around, thank God. I entered and was directed to my cozy area. I loved it immediately, it had posh seats and flowers, and the best thing is there was no other person there. I sighed with happiness and slumped down in one of the comfortable seats.

A waiter came over with a smile, "Buenas noches, señorita."

"Buenas noches." I smiled back at him.

"What will you be having this beautiful evening?" he asked handing me their menu. Bullocks! Their food was expensive, but I was already here, might as well have a good time.

I looked through the menu, "I will have a black pepper steak, with broccoli on the side and irish potatoes and a glass of Gustaff Cabernet sauvignon wine please." I ended my order and handed the menu back.

"Bien, señorita, aquí está su orden." he said and left.

"Owkay." I leaned back and got my phone out. Now it was time to ask my date the important questions. "Okay my date, here we go." I said to myself as I tapped on the browser app then was about to remove the list when a voice interrupted me.

"Well well, if it isn't Miss Powers." I looked up with my heart beating fast. What were the odds?

"What are you doing here?" I scrunched by eyebrows, "Are you following me?"

"Oh, you wish." he smirked making me feel uneasy. "Where's your date?" he looked around.

"How about you mind your business, huh?"

"Hey, no need to be defensive. But if my guess is right, you've been either stood up or your date doesn't want to meet you at all."

"Antonio, Just leave my sight right now." I warned him.

"It's okay though, I'm just happy to see you Leticia. Oh here comes my date." He smiled at a striking beautiful woman who was coming from the direction of the bathroom and motioned her over. Punch. Groan. Punch. Here we go. "Babe, I was here just talking to an old friend, let me introduce you." The lady seemes polite,  she came closer and smiled at me. "This is Leticia Powers, my ex- girlfriend."

"Umm, actually we were ne..." I started to say but was cut off.

"And Leticia meet Aurora, my girlfriend."

"Hello Leticia, nice to meet you." Aurora waved at me and I waved back with a smile.

"Alright then, let's go back to our table baby." With one last smirk my way, Antonio led his girlfriend away. He was such a child. 

I turned to look out at the stars, I wanted a quiet night please give me just that. I silently muttered to myself. My order was yet to arrive. I continued looking out in the dark night.

"Are you missing your Mommy?" Please no. I silently prayed before turning. I wasn't good with kids and so I wasn't going to turn around and engage whoever the person with a child's voice was. Without an answer, I continued looking out, if I hadn't lied to Estella, I wouldn't be here. I am not going to do this again. "My dad says, whenever I miss Mommy I can look up at the sky and I will not feel lonely." I felt a tiny hand touch my shoulder and almost flinched, "Don't worry, you are not alone."

Finally deciding I was being too mean and cold, I turned with a smile and looked into the deepest greenest eyes I have ever seen. "Who are you?" Yes, only I can ask a three year old who she was.

"My name is...."

"Oh dear, there you are." A sophisticated lady in her prime appeared out of nowhere, flustered. She came and took the little girl by her hand. "I am so sorry for any inconvenience please." she turned to me apologetically. Poor lady, she might have gone crazy for a while there.

"Oh no, there was no inconveniences on my side." I assured her with a smile. "Your daughter was just trying to reassure me that I am not alone." I smiled.

"My daughter." she laughed, "Bless you dear." she laughed like I had cracked one big joke.

At that moment, thank the heavens and everyone working there, my food arrived. Everyone say food.

"We will take our leave now. This little pumpkin had started to worry us." She said and turned to go then the little girl waved at me. I waved back and immediately looked down at my food. You see, if anyone asked me, I would say I prefer food to children. Let's say I wasn't a kids person. I loved how adorable they were but being with them for longer than five minutes, that was a different story itself. So better to concentrate on my food.

This must be a special corner. I thought as I ate my food and at the same time looked up Estella's weird questions. I typed Carlos Morinho's name in the search engine and boom, there it was. Who was he? I wasn't going to feel guilty because, first of all, I had to get answers for Estella and second, I was returning a favor. He had looked me up first, now I was going to do the same. You do me I do you. He was 37years old, a widow, what? oh that's sad. He had a child that he never lets the media see. Wow,  not bad at all, I mean it would be terrible for that poor child to be subjected to the cruel media. Wise move dad, I almost clapped for him but remembered I didn't like him at all. What else, his family owns The Morinho Star Industry. What? This is crazy. So, they owned all the Star hotels and apartments? But why wasn't his company named the same? I continued reading and discovered that actually Shuiqiao is a Chinese name meaning water bridge and his wife who was a Chinese had come up with the name. oh, poor woman, died too early. What else did I have to find out? I decided to drain my glass and order another one since this story was starting to be interesting, but as I dipped my head to drink, heck no. I am so done with this universe and everything in it. My eyes clashed with two pairs of green eyes.

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