Who tf are oasis????

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"Lyla!!!" My mothers voice bellowed from the stairs below my room. I looked at the time which said 9am. Shit! I catapulted myself out of my warm bed and threw my uniform for work on and quickly did my makeup. I ran out of my pokey council house and jogged to the bus stop which would take me to the centre of London. I didn't mind my job really, it was quiet which was good for me as I wasn't a very sociable person. The bus journey wasn't too long either, within 15 minutes i strolled into the quaint coffee shop and was greeted by the familiar sound of the bell dingling as I opened the door. The strong smell of the coffee always jolted me awake, the best part of my job was getting to sit and play the guitar that sat in the corner. I couldn't afford a guitar of my own, my mom struggled with money since my dad left and could hardly afford the bills even with my wage coming in. I guess in a way, work was like my sanctuary, like a small oasis of serenity tucked away from the chaos of the London hustle and bustle.

Snapping me out of my daydream my boss called "Lyla!" he snapped alerting me, "we've got a very important couple of lads coming in later so I need you to look your best and act your best, go and sort your hair out, you look like a scruff!"
Mildly offended, I took myself to the toilets to look in the mirror. To my horror my bed head was like a nest, my blonde hair was knotted and tangled in all sorts of ways. I pulled my comb from my bag and began to think about who could be so important that it's got terry(my boss) in such a tizz. However this made me overthink my appearance so I pulled some makeup out of my bag and began to try and neaten myself up. I headed back out to the front and lingered at the back of the shop while I listened to the hushed conversation between terry and one of the other girls however I couldn't hear any details that gave away who was coming.

At about half past 1 the phone rang and terry rushed to answer it, seriously he hung up the phone and ushered the customers out of the store. He looked at me with a blank expression and said "they're coming". I was so confused I just stood there wondering why everyone was being so dramatic, it's not like the queen is coming. I continued pottering about clearing stuff up when I heard the door bell ring. I took a quick glance up to the door but could only see a couple of scruffy hairdos so ignored it. I heard the faint strumming of the guitar. Musicians? I thought to myself. "Lyla!" I heard my name being called for the billionth time today. Slowly, i waltzed up to the top counter and smiled coyly at the scruffy lads that terry had made such a fuss of. I didn't recognise them. "May I help you sir" I said in a sarcastically posh accent. The taller darker haired one swaggered about as if he owned the place, he got on my nerves. However, slightly behind him was a shorter fairer haired lad with a shy look about him. He intrigued me. I went over to them. Unsurprisingly the taller one looked at me as if I were a piece of meat, his big ocean blue eyes lingered on my chest as they travelled up and down my body. The other one kept his eyes firmly on the ground. "Hi" I said confidently. I don't know what I expected but it definitely wasn't the thick northern accent that came out of his mouth as the taller one said "y'alright love". Slightly taken aback by his Manchester voice I replied "if you don't mind me asking, who actually are you". Both boys scoffed and the shorter lad piped up "do you not even listen to music? Were the best band in Britain love, were oasis". He seemed a lot more arrogant now, these two clearly think alot of themselves. I blinked blank,y at them and laughed "never heard of you". And with that I left the boys stunned hoping I'd deflated their egos just the slightest bit. Who the fuck even are oasis anyway?? Shit name for a band if you ask me.

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