Mr & Mrs

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I rushed around trying to get dressed and find something that fitted me. Noel kept telling me to calm down, we had a scan where we'd find out the gender of our baby. I was so nervous. It was tipping it down outside so I decided to wear a baggy jumper and baggy jeans with a pair of Ugg boots for comfort. I threw on my coat and was ready. We headed out of the house both stressed after my panicking about something to wear.

We arrived at the hospital and waited impatiently.
"Can you stop fucking stressing" Noel said annoyed at me.
"Sorry" I said trying to calm myself down.
"Mrs Gallagher?" The midwife called.
We got up and made our way into the room. I got changed and sat on the chair holding Noel's hand tightly. It was the first time he'd been present for one of these so he hadn't seen the baby yet.

The midwife began the ultrasound. I watched Noel's face light up as he looked at our baby. I smiled seeing how happy he was.
"do you want a second and then I'll come back and tell you what the sex of the baby is??" The midwife asked.
"Yes please" I replied cheerfully.

"So??? What do you think??" I said to Noel laughing.
He shrugged and said "it's alright"
I laughed, I knew that he was happy, I only needed to see his face.
The midwife came back in and pulled the screen closer to us.
"So if you look here, we can see that you're having a baby boy" she explained.
"I'm not naming it John Lennon" i said sarcastically as I turned to Noel who was smiling from ear to ear.
I was so happy, I wanted a boy and so did Noel.

We made our way back home. In the car we talked about names. I was keen on names like Reagan and Romeo however Noel was leaning towards more traditional names like James. It was going to be hard to convince Noel to go down my path of names however I knew that I definitely did not want something 'normal'.

The next few days were rather boring, Noel was away doing a few interviews and messing about in the studio. I sat on the settee and switched on the telly. MTV was on and my husband was the star of the show.
"We're here with Mr Noel Gallagher" the man announced and the audience applauded.
He began by talking about why Noel had quit the be here now tour early. We hadn't yet announced my pregnancy but he appeared to be heading down that path.
"Well this is the first time I'm telling anybody so this is an mtv exclusive" he said as he winked at the camera.
"Mrs Gallagher is having a baby, so I came back to come and support her, I wasn't comfortable leaving her on her own" he explained.
The interviewer and the audience were astounded by the news.
"Goodness me, well congratulations Noel!!" He exclaimed and the audience went into uproar.
The man continued, "so do you know if it's a girl or a boy yet??"
Noel smiled and nodded, " yep it is definitely a girl or a boy" he joked. I switched off the Telly and smiled to myself thinking about how proud Noel was of our baby. It made my heart burst.

As I was lost in thought, I heard a key in the door which snapped me back to reality. "Honey I'm home!!" Noel called sarcastically.
"You told them then!!" I said to him
"How do you know??" Noel asked.
"Saw it on the telly" I replied
"Already?!? They must've been excited to get that out" he said shocked at the rapid speed in which his interview had been aired. I smiled up at him and joked "I like it when you call me mrs Gallagher" I winked.
He looked at me and kissed my lips, "I love you mrs Gallagher" he said sweetly.
"I love you too Mr Gallagher" I replied.

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