Throwing it all away

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My heart was pounding, I didn't know what to do. I wracked my brains for ideas. Should I confront him?? No. I thought to myself. I knew exactly what to do. He wouldn't be back for a while, apparently he's recording but he's probably off with his mistress. I started to pack up mine and the kids stuff. As fast as I could I threw clothes and shoes into my suitcases, I only grabbed essentials. The kids blankets and toys along with the formula for Jamie. I quickly got changed and got the kids changed. I called a cab which would be here in 10 minutes.

I scribbled out a note for Noel.
I know everything. I've taken the kids and I'm leaving. I don't know where I'm going. Don't try and contact me. Not yet. I can't express how angry and disgusted I am at you and your actions.

I left the note on my side of the bed along with my wedding and engagement ring. Tears dropped onto the paper causing the ink to run slightly, I was shaking as I plugged Jamie into her car seat and carried her into the taxi, I put Elton's car seat onto the taxi and plugged him in, I quickly threw the bags into the boot and climbed in the front. I gave the taxi driver Liam's address and I didn't look back.

During the drive back up to London, I called Liam to let him know the plan.
"Hello, it's lyla, I've left, I'm coming to yours with the kids." I told him
"Alright, I'm not in but there's a spare key in the flower pot next to the door so let yourself in" he replied.
I couldn't believe this was happening.

We pulled up to Liam's and I payed the driver. I pulled the kids car seats out of the car as well as my bags and I put them on the street at the bottom of the stairs. I carried Jamie up the stairs and held Elton's hand as I unlocked the door. I put the kids into Liam's front room while I carried the bags and Elton's car seat into the house.

Liam's telephone started ringing, I ignored it and let it go to the answer machine.
"Rkid, Lyla's gone and she's taken the kids, for fuck sake man I've messed up" Noel's voice blared out the speaker, sounding tearful and sniffly, "I don't know what to do man, how did she fucking find out, I'm such a twat" he continued before the machine cut him off. His voice made me so angry but so sad at the same time. I still could not believe that he could do this to me and our babies, why would he throw everything away.

Later on Liam came back home. He swaggered into his living room and said "Lyla, take the kids upstairs, Noel's coming round" he explained. Panicking I grabbed my stuff and rushed upstairs to Liam's spare room, I took Jamie and Elton up and tried to occupy them with toys to keep them quiet. A few minutes later the eerie ring of the doorbell echoed through the silent house. I sat at the top of the landing listening.
"You're a twat" Liam said as he opened the door to Noel.
I caught a glimpse of him from the banister, his eyes were bloodshot red and he looked stressed.
"I'm fucked" Noel cried loudly, "I dunno where she's gone and where she's taken my kids"
"It's your fucking fault for being a dickhead" Liam reasoned.
"I know that, I want to fix it, I need to fix it, I love lyla not her" Noel cried again
Liam scoffed "if you loved lyla as much as you say you do then none of this would have happened, you'd respect your wife and the mother of your children"
I listened to Noel sobbing downstairs. It broke my heart to listen to him cry, alls I wanted to do was go down and comfort him but he didn't deserve my love, after all he didn't care about how I'd feel about him cheating on me.

Interrupting my eavesdropping, Jamie began to cry. Shit! I thought. Noel will know I'm here. I sprinted across the landing to try and calm her, Elton was fast asleep from the hectic day but Jamie had suddenly become restless. Her cries were ear piercing.
"What's that noise?" I heard Noel say
Liam shook his head and said, "it's just Lennon"
"I'm not thick Rkid, you only have lennon on a Saturday, today's Wednesday" Noel said
"I've got him today as well" Liam said trying to convince noel.
"Lyla????" Noel called up the stairs. I didn't answer. I hushed the baby which allowed me to hear noels footsteps getting closer.
"Lyla??" He called again. I ignored him. I locked the door of the bedroom that i was in and hoped that he didn't find me.
He walked across the landing looking through all the bedrooms still calling me. Cleverly he didn't call my name next. "Elton?" He shouted. Waking him up from his sleep. "Elton?" He called again. Elton shot up "Daddy!!!" He squealed. I put my hand over his mouth to stop him from calling for Noel again.

The handle of the door started jiggling and shaking. Noel banged on the door, "Lyla, let me in, can we just talk" he shouted through the door. I could hear Liam on the other side saying, "leave her alone noel, you've done enough damage"
However noel didn't give in. He barged the door causing Jamie to start crying again. He as distressing the kids so I gave in.

I walked over and unlocked the door. I swung it open and Noel grabbed me and hugged me tightly. My eyes let out a waterfall of tears as he held me. I hated him but I loved him too.

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