The boy with the icy eyes

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The next morning, I repeated what I do every morning, same old same old. I couldn't stop thinking about those boys from yesterday though, they have captivated my mind. Perhaps I should write a song about them. 'Arrogant northern twats' by Lyla o Neill. I reckon that'd catch on.

I carried on my day as normal, at lunchtime I headed to the book corner and strummed the guitar as I do every day. The doorbell rang and I thought nothing of it, I just continued playing my rendition of carnation by the jam until the husky clearing of a throat startled me. I looked up to see the man I met yesterday, his sandy brown hair falling over his icy blue eyes that peered slightly through his fringe. His lips were curled into a smirk and his arms were crossed tightly. Eventually he spoke "I'm Noel by the way". I smiled and said "Lyla. What you doing back??". I gently stroked the strings on the guitar and listened to the soft hum of the strings. I watched him blush slightly and shift his weight around. He stammered "well er, I actually came to see you. You made quite an impression on me and rkid."  I smiled and slightly shocked I responded "well I didn't expect that, I thought you would have said you liked the coffee or something". His cheeky smile made me feel warm inside, I hadn't had that feeling before, it was nice. He held out his hand which had a slip of white paper outstretched towards me. As I took it from him, he walked away. He was a peculiar man but something about him made me yearn to learn more.

As he walked away, I unfolded the scrappy piece of paper that he had given to me. It said "I want to take you out, here's my number, NG". I was not expecting that. As soon as I clocked off from work I rushed home, ran straight up to my bedroom and dialled his number and he answered. "Hello, Noel Gallagher." This made me smile so said "Hello, Lyla O'Neill, you gave me your number earlier". "Oh yeah, Lyla, can we go out tomorrow night?" I could hear the smile in his voice and his mouthy brother in the background. "Yeah sounds good, where shall I meet you?" A second of silence followed before he replied "come to the virgin megastore tomorrow night at 7" then he hung up. Dumbfounded I sat on my bed slightly confused. Why would he want me to come to the virgin megastore? Strange. Without giving it further thought I climbed into my small uncomfortable single bed and drifted off to sleep thinking about the enigma which is Noel Gallagher.

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