Heaven help my mademoiselle

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Liam swaggered arrogantly up to Noel looking rather confrontational. He looked at the test in Noel's hands and blurted out loudly,
"Fuckin' hell whose pregnant!" Liam shouted for everyone to hear.
"Wh- what?" I stuttered unable to process what was happening.
Noel answered for Liam in a serious tone, "you're pregnant Lyla"
Liam's eyes widened as he put his hands to his face in pure shock. My reaction was rather similar to Liam's.
"Oh my god" I repeated continuously.
Noel grabbed both of my hands and looked deep into my eyes.
"What do you want to do Ly? It's up to you" he said calmly.
Liam was still astounded and said to Noel,
"Oh my fucking god, I can't believe it, you can't be a dad, you're a twat"
Noel turned around and scolded him,
"Piss off rkid, this has nout to do with you"
I shook my head, unable to think.
"I don't know Noel. I need some air" I said.

I shook his hands off mine and jogged out of the building. Somehow without noticing, from Noel to the front door, I had began to cry, my gold makeup ran down my face. I burst through the doors, greeted with a swarm off paparazzi. Exactly what I needed. I pushed through the crowd as they snapped pictures of me, I felt like grabbing their cameras and throwing them into the Thames, they made me so fucking angry. They can clearly see that I'm distressed yet still think it's an appropriate time to take thousands of photos of me.

I briskly walked through the streets of london, not knowing where I was going. Suddenly, I smashed into someone.

"I'm so sorry" I said panicked
"It's alright love" he said in a posh London accent.
I looked up at him. Damon albarn.
"Does Noel know you're out here looking like you've been dragged through a hedge backwards??" Damon said condescendingly.
I rolled my eyes and scorned "piss off damon"

I'd met him a couple of times before when attending award shows and living near him so we were quite friendly. I was on better terms with him than the band but that's to be expected.

"I'm only trying to help you Lyla" he said with an honest glint in his eyes.
Damon was devilishly charming and it was hard to take out my frustration on him, so I gave in.
"I'm sorry Damon, I've just had an eventful day" I explained
"Do you want to come with me and we'll find a phone and call Noel??" He offered sweetly.
I looked down at my feet while contemplating his offer.
"Alright, ta" I said as I followed him down the street towards a cafe.

I walked in, gaining a few stairs that questioned my golden hair and streaky makeup. I made my way to the phone and dialed Noel.

"Hiya it's Lyla" I said down the phone to him
"Fuckin hell Lyla I've been worried sick about yer, where am ya? I'll come and get you" he said sounding relieved to hear from me.
I turned round to Damon and said "where are we??" Damon replied "Cromwell road"
"Huh?? Is that Damon fucking albarn???" Noel said having overheard our conversation.
Ignoring what he said, I continued "I'm at a little cafe on cromwell road, I'll see you in a bit" then I hung up.

I couldn't be arsed to listen to him bitching about Damon for another 10 minutes on the phone, best save that for in person when I can drag him away.

A couple of minutes later, I glanced out of the window next to the table that me and Damon were sat at. Noel's vintage Rolls Royce pulled up outside and I watched as he got out the car placing his sunglasses at the end of his nose and walked up the steps into the shop. I turned around as he strode towards me, his eyes focusing on Damon.
"Having a nice time???" He said to us both.
I rolled my eyes and got up finishing my drink, "thanks for this Damon, it's been great" I said as I got up and grabbed Noel's hand.
Damon said "yeah anytime Lyla" he then proceeded to attempt to wind up Noel by saying "I'll call you"
His attempt was successful as Noel scoffed,
"No you fucking won't, get to fuck ya ponce"
I rolled my eyes and mouthed "sorry" to Damon as I dragged him out of the cafe.

I climbed into the car smiling at Noel as he followed.
"Are ya feeling better now then after your chat with albarn???" Noel said to me sarcastically.
"Oh yes much better, he's so fantastic, wouldn't you agree noelie?" I said in my poshest London accent.
Noel rolled his eyes and said,
"Seriously though Lyla, are you feeling better about it all now?"
I looked at him, his eyes were full of genuine concern for me.
I grabbed his hand and looked deeply into his eyes as I said, "seriously Noel, I feel better, we're gonna have a baby and that's an amazing feeling even if it is a bit scary"
He squeezed my hand tightly and placed a finger under my chin. He lightly lifted my lips up to his and kissed me sweetly.
"I wrote another song about you" he said.
"Aren't they all about me!" I joked.

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