Talk tonight

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I sat on the bed, cradling myself while trying to think of what to do. I couldn't tell Noel. Liam had a fiancé. Maybe it was just the drink. My mind was spinning at a million miles per hour. Maybe it was best for me just to ignore it. Pretend it never happened. It didn't happen.

As I convinced myself that I had nothing to worry about, I heard heavy footsteps climbing the stairs.
"Hey Lyla" Noel said as he walked in. He sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me into him sweetly.
"I'm takin' ya out tonight" he continued.
"Oh really?" I replied intrigued
"Yeah I've got sommet special planned so make sure ya look nice, not that you don't anyway but ya know what I mean" he said flustered.
I smiled and hugged him tightly "I know what you mean Noelie" I laughed.

As the night approached, I made an extra effort for my date with Noel tonight. I curled my hair and wore a short velvet black mini dress with a pair of black tights and heels. I thought I'd be cold so I grabbed a cream knitted jumper to throw over the top. Once I was ready, me and Noel walked down to his vintage chocolate rolls Royce that was parked at bottom of the lawn. I'd heard a lot about this  car but I'd never been in it and I could see why Noel loved it so much: it was gorgeous. Noel was dressed quite smartly, he was wearing a white button up shirt with the two top buttons open, a black blazer coat with black trousers and his black adidas superstars. He looked amazing.

"So what've you got planned then Mr Gallagher?" I said in a sarcastically posh way.
He mimicked my voice and said "I told you mademoiselle, it's a surprise. What don't you understand about surprises??" He laughed.

I sat impatiently in the back of the car creating idle chatter with my boyfriend as I sulked slightly that he wouldn't tell me where we were going. I hated surprises, the uncertainty of them made me feel stressed and uncomfortable. About 20 minutes later, the car pulled up. Noel broke the silence "we're here!" He chirped at me grabbing my hand and leading me out of the car. We walked into what looked like a factory but was apparently some sort of exhibition hall. Confused as to why Noel had bought me here I said "I think we're a bit overdressed for this, wouldn't you agree??"
He ignored my sarky comment and lead me down a series of corridors and down steps. I had no idea where we were going or what we were doing but it was fucking freezing.

The bitter chill of the winter air made my bones ache and I shivered incessantly. Eventually we reached an area where Noel pulled a lever which switched on a load of lights.
"Come 'ere" he said to me
So I did, he placed his hands over my eyes.
"Keep walking" he instructed, trying to be my eyes as mine were temporarily blacked out.
I heard my heels clicking on a hard surface, echoing throughout the empty hall.
"Okay, stop" he said as he turned me around to face somewhere else.
"Okay, open your eyes" he said excitedly.

As he lifted his hands away from my face, I was baffled. I looked around the room. The tall ceiling was strewn with fairy lights that illuminated the hall. We were stood on the stage where behind me there was a red postbox and a massive clock which glowed. I was stunned. I couldn't speak. As I gazed around the exhibition Centre, I hadn't paid attention to Noel. As I turned my head back around to him to react, I was even more shocked.

He was down on one knee. He was holding a blue velvet box with a glistening diamond and amethyst ring inside. My eyes welled up with tears. I could hardly believe my eyes. He smiled bashfully as he surveyed my face for my reaction.
"So Lyla?" He asked "Will you marry me?"

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