Don't look back in anger.

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Shocked couldn't begin to describe how I felt. My face grew pale to the very lips, I felt as if I had seen a ghost. I didn't say anything. I just stared at him blankly before taking my drink and then turning around and leaving. I slowly walked away. I heard every step I took echo in my head, my heart was beating at a million miles per hour.

"Lyla!" He called after me.
I didn't look back. He was following me. Why must he always be so persistent?
"Please Lyla" he begged before he grabbed my arm, stopping me from traveling any further away from him. I turned around to face him, the tears burnt in my eyes as I tried to fight them from falling. His face brought back so many memories and so much hurt.
"Piss off Noel!" I hissed at him viciously.
He looked hurt but that still didn't stop him from harassing me.
"Please can I explain" he asked.
I really really wanted to say no. What could he say that could change what he did? But I caved.
"Okay.." I sighed while shaking my head. My head said no but my heart said yes.

He lead me through the busy club, his fingers intertwined with my own. The music was blaring and the people were raving but I only saw him, his face illuminated by the purple lights. His eyes. The eyes that I fell in love with all those years ago. God he was beautiful.

He pulled me into a room at the back of the club. It was quieter. I sat down on the leather sofa in the middle of the room and watched him while he paced up and down running his hands through his hair.
"Right" he kept repeating to himself over and over again.
I laughed "it's not like Noel Gallagher to be stuck for words"
He shot me a look which told me to be quiet.
Eventually he sat down next to me and said,
"Lyla, what did Liam tell you that day? The day you left me"
Unsurprised by the question I said
"I think you know, how is she anyway??"
He put his head in his hands and shook his head,
"Lyla! There never was another girl, Rkid got it wrong. You have to believe me please, I loved you." He explained, the sound of desperation cracking through his voice.
I didn't know what to believe,
"Why would Liam say that if it wasn't true??" I questioned
Noel shook his head again, combing his hands through his bushy hair,
"He didn't know, he thought I hadn't dumped her which I had once I got back from London after meeting you"

I can't say that these words weren't nice to hear, but how could I know that Noel was telling the truth and not just spouting bullshit to get me back again, how do I know that if I believe him that he won't just use me again.
I didn't know what to do.

I had been silent for too long. I could tell that noel was starting to feel uncomfortable. What he said next only confirmed that,

"We can sort this another time Lyla, please let me take you out sometime so I can try, please just let me try" he begged.

Maybe I shouldn't have said what I did next but once again my head was overpowered by my heart.

"Okay" I whispered under my breath "on one condition" I warned
"Anything" Noel replied.
"As long as you don't have a girlfriend" I said.
He laughed and shook his head
"Lyla, I haven't been a fraction of how happy I was with you with anyone else, I don't have a girlfriend because none of them are you, I've only wanted you for two years" he said sorrowfully.

I should remember that this man is a famous song writer, he knows exactly what to say but it didn't stop his words from going straight to my head. He was like a drug. And I couldn't get enough of him.

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