Moving on

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"Where are you?" Noel asked down the phone.
"I want to be on my own for a bit Noel" I replied.
"Lyla, please" Noel begged
"I'm staying at a friends, don't try and find me" I said in a serious tone.
"Stop being a fucking bitch" he shouted down the phone.
I hung up. He was pissed. He phoned again.
"What?" I said as I picked it up.
"Sorry." He said
"I'm done Noel. That's it." I said. I wouldn't be spoken to like a pile of shit when he's the one that's done wrong.
"Please no Lyla, please, I love you" he spluttered. I hung up on him.

I layed in my bed staring at the ceiling contemplating what I was going to do. Elton and Jamie were fast asleep. I climbed out of my bed and crept across the landing. I softly knocked on the door opposite mine.

I let myself in and climbed into the bed in the middle of the room. I cuddled up to Damon, who wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. He was so gentle with me, I was so unused to it.
"Me and Noel are done" I said in a half-stifled sob.
He held me tighter and said "I'm sorry Lyla"
I buried my head into his neck and cried as he rubbed my back. I cried as I drifted off to sleep.

A haggard shaft of daylight burst through the crack in the curtains waking me from my slumber. I gently prized my eyes open, waking up to an unfamiliar chest and a mop of messy blonde hair. I wriggled out of Damon's grip and sat up, preparing myself for the day.
"Morning gorgeous" Damon said as I woke up.
I smiled at him and said "good morning" trying to seem as happy as I could.
He groaned as he stretched, his body was gorgeous, softly toned and slightly muscular.
I climbed out of bed and went to check on the kids. Still asleep. I checked my phone. 17 missed calls from Noel. I sighed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I began to make Jamie's formula but was startled as I turned around to see Damon leaning against the door frame. He was wearing a pair of checkered trousers that slouched on his hip bones and his upper body was left unclothed.

He made me nervous as his eyes drifted up and down my body. I smiled at him and turned back around to continue making breakfast.
"How could Noel let you go" Damon said rhetorically.
I looked over my shoulder and shrugged at him. He came closer to me, I felt his strong arms wrap around my torso and he rested his head on my shoulder. I leaned in to him and he kissed my cheek lightly. I turned to face him. He pressed me against the worktop and looked deeply into my eyes. They were filled with hunger and lust. "You're beautiful Lyla" he whispered into my ear, his hot breath trickled down my neck sending shivers down my spine. His face was millimeters away from mine. His nose touched mine before he lightly kissed me, teasing me, leaving me wanting more. I ran my hands up his body and wrapped my arms behind his neck. He lifted me up onto the counter and kissed me hungrily, his tongue slipped into my mouth as mine slipped into his. I arched my back as his hands wondered down my spine.

We were interrupted by the sound of the baby crying. I pecked his nose before hopping off the counter and taking the bottle upstairs to feed Jamie. I picked her up out of her cot and sat with her on the bed while I stroked Elton's hair. I slipped into a daydream while I tended to my children.

Shocking me out of the world of my own, a loud bang echoed through Damon's terraced house. And again. And again. Three loud thuds. The door. Damon went to answer it.

"You alright mate. To what do I owe the pleasure this early in the morning?" Damon chirped.

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