Magic Pie

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In the morning, Noel was discharged. We walked down the corridor together hand in hand. Everything felt like how it did before. Maybe we were just destined to be together. We just sort of gravitate towards each other, like magnets. Walking down the hospital corridor, I made the decision that I would let go of the past and not let it cloud the future. No good would come from dwelling on what had happened before. I held my husbands hand tightly and I forgave him. I forgave him for everything.

I helped Noel into his rolls Royce which was parked at the bottom of the hospital steps.
"We're usually coming out of 'ere with a baby!" Noel joked
"We'll have to have another one!" I joked in return.
Noel looked at me and nodded, "I think we should" he said seriously.
I shook my head shaking off what he had just said however he'd planted the seed of thought into my head, maybe we should have another baby.

The car ride to supernova heights was comfortable. We sat chatting and catching up for half an hour. I was excited to see the kids, it'd been a week since I dropped them off and I had missed them terribly. We pulled. Up outside and I helped Noel out the car, we interlinked our hands as we walked up the steps to the big dark double door at the top. I'd missed this house with its charming exterior with the mosaic window above the door, it oozed character and it oozed us. We let ourselves in and Elton ran to the front door.
"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!" He squealed excitedly. I picked him up and swung him around. I'd missed him terribly. Noel continued through to the front room where Peggie was sat on the sofa with Paul holding Jamie.

I strode over excitedly to see my baby. She was fast asleep.
"Thank you Peggie for looking after them" I said
"No problem pet, it's my pleasure" she beamed in her Irish accent.
Noel came up behind me and wrapped his arm tightly around my waist and kissed me on the cheek.
Paul chimed in, "so are youse two back together then?"
Noel looked at me then back at Paul.
"If Noelie will have me" I laughed.
He tightened his grip and said "we need to get your shit from albarn's"
I nodded. The thought of going to Damon's made me feel a bit sick, especially if I told him that me and Noel were back together.

The first night back in supernova heights was magical. It reminded me of our wedding night.
I sat on the end of the bed dressed in a red lace dress over the top of my red lingerie waiting for Noel to finish in the bath. I'd done my hair and makeup, the kids were asleep, we were alone. He came into the bedroom, his hair damp and the towel hanging off his hips exposing his torso. I'd missed him so much.
As he saw me, his icy eyes widened and his jaw dropped. I got up smiling at him, I walked over and ran my tongue down his body. Suddenly, Noel picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed hysterically as he slapped my bum before throwing me onto the bed.

He dropped his towel. A swarm of butterflies fluttered around my body sending a surge of tingles across my nervous system. He positioned himself over me and breathed heavily. He looked deeply into my eyes and growled "you're so sexy" before he smashed his lips against mine aggressively. As much as I appreciated Damon's gentle style, I much preferred the roughness and lustful nature of Noel Gallagher. Nobody has ever made me feel the way that Noel makes me feel. We went on until 4 in the morning, making up for lost time. My neck was destroyed by the end of the night, I was clad in a necklace of purple and red bruises and Noel's neck was similar. My makeup was smeared around my face and my hair was like a birds nest. But it was worth it, I got my magic pie.

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