Ocean Eyes

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"The little bastard needed to be put in his place" Noel began.
I held his hands surveying the bruises that were turning different shades of crimson
"So I lamped 'im" He continued.

I didn't know what to do. I knew that the Gallagher brothers weren't strangers to a punch up but i couldn't stand that I was the one that it was about. I couldn't put myself in between the two brothers, I couldn't and I wouldn't.

"I can't be the one that puts a rift between you and Liam, Noel, I just can't do it" I cried.
Noel hugged me tightly "you won't 'ave to Lyla, I love you that's all that matters, I don't care if my brother don't like ya, I'd rather him not like ya than him be after ya too" he explained.
"Im sorry Noel, I've ruined everything" I said feeling sorry for myself. "Im gonna go for a walk" I said to him.

I stepped out into the brisk Manchester air, the wind whipped through my hair blowing my troubles away. I walked. I didn't know where I was going but I walked. Eventually, I happened upon a small pub, it looked like a charming little place so I stepped inside. The warm atmosphere softened my bones and I listened to the comfortable hum of conversation that buzzed around the pub.

I sat at the bar and ordered a pint. Just as I was about to take a sip, someone interrupted me.
"I can't get fucking away from you" he said drunkenly.
"Liam." I sighed. I debated getting up and leaving but I wasn't about to give him what he wanted. He was drunk which meant he was about to be much worse than usual and I was ready to take the fire.
"Why are you with 'im Lyla??" Liam slurred.
"Cos I love him" I replied dryly without looking at him.
"Why?" Liam asked like an annoying child.
"Because he's handsome and he's clever and he's caring" I listed still without turning to look at Liam.
"You shouldn't be with him Lyla" Liam whispered under his breath
"Why not Liam? What is so terrible about me that I can't be with your brother? What is your fucking problem" I said on the verge of shouting.

Liam just sat there staring into his whiskey before saying
"Cos he ain't good enough for ya Lyla" Liam said sulkily.
Confused, I turned to look at him seeing him slumped onto the bar gazing up at me with his ocean eyes. I tore my eyes away from him before saying,
"Who is good enough for me liam?? " I said sarcastically not expecting the answer that he gave me next,
"I am" he said "you should be with me"

I scoffed, I was too stunned to speak. I finished my pint and bolted. I couldn't deal with this. What the fuck. I walked back to the Gallagher residence attempting to retrace my steps to some success. Eventually I managed to return without getting lost. When I walked in, Noel was sat at the dining table in the kitchen with a cup of coffee chatting to his mother so I went straight upstairs. I don't think what Liam had said to me had fully sunk in. I didn't know what to do. Should I tell Noel or would that only make things worse? Everything was so fucked up.

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